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Tag: Drama Movie


The other night, I decided to watch a movie that I brought about a couple of years ago but never got the chance to watch this movie because I am more into television series now. That movie that I finally got to watch the other night is titled 1917, an action/drama/war movie about world war 1, and that is the one that I am reviewing here now. 1917 movie was released on December 25, 2019, almost two years ago here in the United States, but there are other different release dates for this 1917 movie in other countries. Still, the date mentioned above is here in the United States of America. The theme of the movie 1917 is war, especially in world war one, and it focuses on two soldiers in British Army from the United Kingdom. One of the British soldiers was ordered to deliver a message from the unit’s leader to another unit’s leader to stop them from attacking the enemy, which is germans because these germans already had everything planned and expected that they would be attacking them, so these germans have all advantages as on the allied side wasn’t aware of. As soon as this unit’s leader found out about the enemy’s knowledge of their other unit’s preparing to attack them, the unit leader needed to…

IP Man 4: The Finale

This movie is a bit old by now, but not old to me though because I have had this movie ever since the day it came out, but I didn’t find the time to watch the film until the other night, which it was about the time that I give it a watch as it was overdue. Now that I watched the movie the other night, I decided to give myself a few days to ingest it somewhat and think it thorough because it was somewhat bittersweet. The film I am referring to that I watched the other night is IP Man 4: The Finale, and that is the movie that I am going to be reviewing here! Ah, bittersweet. I am a huge fan of the IP Man movie; some people don’t know that this movie is based on a real person, but the movie’s accuracy based on that person is questionable. That man named IP is a real person as the actual name that the film is based on is Ip Kai-man. Ip Man was born in Fatshan, Kwangtung, Qing China, and died in Mong Kok, Kowloon, British Hong Kong (notice British, it was because Hong Kong was under British’s control during IP Man’s time). Okay, onto the IP Man 4: The Finale movie. The number 4 is…


I brought the Joker movie more than a year ago, when the Joker movie was released for everyone to buy on October 4th in 2019. Still, I have not found the time or was not in the mood to watch the Joker movie produced by Warners Bros/DC Films directed under Todd Phillips, Bradley Cooper, and Emma Tillinger Koskoff. The casting in the Joker movie is none other than Joaquin Phoenix as the main actor for the Joker himself, and the supporting acting is none other than a very well-loved actor Robert De-Niro. Joker movie is two hours and two minutes long; it combines crime, drama, and thriller genres into one. The movie is rated R and was released October 4th in 2019 here in the United States of America, which I already mentioned above. As we all know, who Joker is, at least as a character from DC Comics. If you were a Batman fan who read Batman comic books since a child’s age, you know who exactly Joker is and what he does. If you don’t follow DC comics, especially Batman, and actually don’t follow movies made by DC Comics, then you wouldn’t know who Joker is, but you would still know who Batman is, thanks to its name is very popular everywhere. Joker is known as a supervillain…

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