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This is a Q&A (questions and answers), alternatively FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for anyone who visits the website and, in general, relates to JoshiesWorld along with Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan. This will be a long list of the answers to the questions I may have received and the answers to the questions I may get, so it would be better to go ahead and answer some in advance. Below is a table of contents where it will be easier for you to select the question that you would like to know the answer to, and if there is no answer to a question that you have, please click here to contact me so that you can ask a question that was not listed here which will then be added to this FAQ list.

Who is the owner of JoshiesWorld?

That would be me, Joshua Sullivan, aka Joshie. You can find all the essential information about me by visiting the About page, which can be found at the top of the website, or click here to go to the About page, which includes a lot about me and a bit about me, JoshiesWorld. Another way to know more about me is to visit my personal website,

Can I donate for JoshiesWorld?

You absolutely can! Click here to go to the donate page or click the “Donate” tab at the top of the website’s menu; there are a few methods that you can use to donate, and your donation would be much appreciated as they would support JoshiesWorld in every way!

Can we ask for a review?

Yes, absolutely, yes! You can ask me to review your product, business, restaurant, technology gadget, clothing, paid trip/traveling, or anything. As I said, I do a review on anything; for me to do a review on anything, I would need to get my hands on them, so if you want me to review them for you along with promoting your business, you are more than welcome to contact me by using this contact page. Please note that I do not accept anything that would influence me to give a higher rating; I will review them as they are, and then I will make sure that they know they are yours and where to buy/get or go to them!

Read: Want Your Stuff Reviewed?!

How does JoshiesWorld review?

JoshiesWorld would either receive the products from the companies that make them or an invitation to visit a place such as a business, a restaurant, a hotel, and whatnot to test their products, services, or others. Sometimes, JoshiesWorld would purchase them directly depending on their cost, especially if the audience requested a review of them or reviewed them for the audience without being asked to.

The first thing that I would do is take pictures and/or videos of them. I would thoroughly test them, such as for foods or drinks; I would eat or drink them very slowly to get a better idea of how they are. This includes separating the ingredients in the food to taste them individually. That goes the same for the products and the services. For products, I would do a stress test, try to drop them accidentally, carry/wear/use them for a few days, and more so that I would test the products thoroughly. After I did the test, sometimes I would bring in another person to do the rest to see if their opinion was the same as mine. When it comes to reviewing something, JoshiesWorld will make sure that it missed nothing and is tested thoroughly!

As the review rating goes, JoshiesWorld prefers and chooses a 5 rating system over other rating methods, such as a 10 rating system, a percentage system, a thumb up or thumb down, and others, which is more suitable for reviewing and offering better accuracy.

0-1 rating = worse to bad
1-2 rating = bad to ok
2-3 rating = ok to good
3-4 rating = good to great
4-5 rating = great to extraordinary

It is a gradual rating; for example, if rated 3.5, it would be between good and great (really good), or 3.8 would mean it is closer to great (very good). 2.5 would be an okay rating (above ok), or 2.8 is closer to good (very ok). A 4.5 rating would be very great, and then a 5 for extraordinary!

You can contact me for information on how to send a product or an invitation for a review by JoshiesWorld.

Do JoshiesWorld offer advertising?

Although I am always open to anyone interested in having an ad or being sponsored for each post/review or the overall site, I rarely do. I rarely accept them because it depends on the seriousness and what you want to advertise or sponsor. You can contact me or find me on social media to discuss advertising/sponsorship! I will not advertise a fake review, but I agree to do a review on whatever it is that you would like for me to do for your company, and it must be an honest/authentic review as I see it. This goes the same for articles.

Can I subscribe to JoshiesWorld?

Yes! You can subscribe to JoshiesWorld via e-mail; whenever there is a newly published article, a new review, and sometimes a newsletter (some call it e-blast), you will be notified about them in your e-mail inbox. You can click here and subscribe using your primary e-mail address!

Is there another writer, like a guest or a co-writer? Can I contribute?!

Officially, there are none other than myself, but at some time, I would ask others if they would like to co-write or guest write if they are interested, so you are more than welcome to contribute if you have something to offer. You can either use the contact page to send me some information, a written article (via form or written document such as docx or other formats), and whatnot that you would like to have to be seen on JoshiesWorld, or you can use the submit page which will be turned into an article by automatic then I would be reviewing them. Please note that not all of them would be accepted. However, if they would benefit the audience of JoshiesWorld, I will contact you for further information and approve your contributed article.

Can I Share Info, Hot Tip, And Whatnot?

Yes, please send a hot tip, information, topic suggestion for some of the snippets article, and whatnot that can be helpful for future articles. However, there is no guarantee that they would be used because every information or hot tip would be carefully screened or investigated to ensure they are accurate and credible. Send a hot tip or share information on anything, and whatnot can be done here on the contact page (be sure to select a proper subject).

What Does JoshiesWorld Focus On?

JoshiesWorld focuses on everything, from A to Z, meaning that over here on JoshiesWorld, we focus on several niches, categories, and subjects. JoshiesWorld doesn’t only focus on a niche, like some niche news outlet or niche blog, because JoshiesWorld isn’t that, and JoshiesWorld delivers all kinds of information that it can get a hand on. Again, JoshiesWorld isn’t limited to one or two areas as JoshiesWorld focuses on everything from A to Z, such as snippets formerly tidbits (more than one topic in one place), delivering news, reviewing products or places, op-ed articles, sports, business, technology, gaming, television shows, movies, fashion, and cosmetics, holding people or business accountability, personal or community letters and everything else. In simpler words, consider JoshiesWorld as a general news outlet covering everything and a brand name (think TMZ, CNN, VICE, Buzzfeed, etc.).

Do JoshiesWorld Change Reviews Rating Later?

In rare cases, JoshiesWorld may revisit some reviews to change the rating, especially for the products or whatnot that may improve or worsen over time. If JoshiesWorld does, JoshiesWorld will screenshot the old rating and note the updated rating for any reviews made by JoshiesWorld.

Subscribe JoshiesWorld

Subscribe to JoshiesWorlds mailing list, and you will be notified via your e-mail inbox every time that JoshiesWorld has published a new article, review, and others! Also, on occasion, JoshiesWorld will send some newsletters and possibly gifts! So, be sure to subscribe and not miss out!

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