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Month: July 2020

Nyle DiMarco And The Racist Fraternity Kappa Gamma

Someone has mailed me a few videos of Kappa Gamma fraternity, some personal and some public that has a few well-known Deaf people in it such as Nyle DiMarco. I have a video of two videos that I have put together; they said that it’s from their spring 2011 march and also their final 2011 march with Nyle DiMarco participating in the march as one of the members. The reason I am posting this video is that there is a fiasco with the Gallaudet University and their fraternity Kappa Gamma. Many people have put much of evidence, stories, complaints, and whatnot out there on the internet, so I felt that this video should also be put in there with them so that people can be aware of this. So those people who are outsiders can get an idea of what and how Kappa Gamma looks like at Gallaudet University. Recently Nyle DiMarco has dotted out his name for his comedy series show with Spectrum Originals channel owned by Charter Communications under David Dae Kim’s production company 3AD and Melrose Placed. It has me wondering if Charter Communications, David Dae Kim’s production company 3AD and Melrose Placed are even aware of what Nyle DiMarco did? Are they aware that Nyle DiMarco is a member of one of the most racist fraternities…

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