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Tag: Pandemic

7-16-2021 Snippets

Here I am writing a new snippets article that I know is overdue as I hadn’t written a snippets article about a month and a half ago. I have been going through many things that put everything on hold, including all of my works which I will explain in one of the topics for this snippets article. I apologize for keeping all of you in the dark for at least a while; here I am back working for all of my companies/brands, including writing an article for JoshiesWorld, and I hope some of you at least will like a few of the topics that I am writing about. 7-16-2021 Snippets Here is a list of the topics that I will use in this snippets article. As always, you read the whole snippets article, but if you are in a hurry or only want to read certain topics that you are more interested in, you can press the “Show Topics List” below, and the list will expand (open) where you can see what topics that is being used in this snippets article so you can press any of them that you would be interested in reading them instead of reading the whole snippets article. But again, I encourage a read on the entire snippets article! Inactive And Immobilized Just a little…

10-30-2020 Snippets

Hey guys and ladies! I hope that all of you are doing well! I know that this year hasn’t been too good to any of us thanks to the virus pandemic, as it unexpectedly disrupts many of our routines on the business level and as well on a personal level. I hope that all of you are protecting yourself if not for your elderly family members or friends and the people with health conditions since we know that anyone who is elder or who has health condition is the ones at the highest risk if they are exposed to COVID-19. I know it isn’t easy to distance ourselves from the elders or people with health condition ones to protect them, but there is always a way to take advantage of modern technology such as video chat. The more people who follow what the health officials ask of us, such as wearing masks and social distances at least six feet or further and washing our hands thoroughly, the quicker we can beat the invisible enemy of ours. If you refuse to do that, then at least do one right thing: to distance yourself from the elder ones or those who have health conditions because doing so would mean you would show them the respect they would for you. Just because you…

10-9-2020 Snippets

Hello everyone, how are all of you doing?! I hope that all of you are doing good. I think it is time for another snippets article here on JoshiesWorld. I know it is overdue as the last snippets article was published about a month ago. I have been so busy trying to publish as many reviews as I can because I need to have the reviews going to give the companies the examples of my reviews before they ship their products to me for an honest review on their product. If their products are bad, I will say they are bad and point out what is bad about their products. That goes the same way if their products are good. Nonetheless, I am glad to say that I have a decent number of reviews published to get the ball rolling. Of course, I cannot publish many reviews because I cannot afford every new product that they have coming out. I am hoping that as many as reviews for anything that I have my hands on can get it going so that I can get more things to review for all of you to read so you can make a better decision whether to buy a particular product or not and as well others so you can know if it would…

9-8-2020 Snippets

Hello everyone! I know I have not written a snippets article in a great while, and I would like to apologize for that. I have been swamped lately, especially with everything that has been going on this year, as this year of 2020 has been so awful to me, which I will share about that in one of the topics below. Here we are; I hope that all of you enjoy at least one subject in this snippets article, and as always, if you have any suggestions for a topic that you would like for me to talk about or share on, please feel free to contact me with a topic suggestion. I hope that all of you are doing great and as well enjoying whatever that we have left of the summer as we are approaching the fall quickly. While you all are enjoying what is left of summer, please do so safely, especially that we are still in the middle of the pandemic, and it does not look like it is going away or down enough to where it can be safe enough for us to be out doing things. In case if you are new here, so you know, you can click the “Show Topics List” below here, which that will show you all of the topics…

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