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Tag: Camera Review

Nikon Z 7II

I was in the market for a professional camera. I was shopping for a DSLR camera because it was beyond the time for me to upgrade, especially Nikon 5200. I was eyeing an expensive one but still affordable. First, I observed Nikon’s D850, a professional DSLR camera; as it was nearing Christmas, my mother decided to get me a camera for a present, and I was pretty much mindset on D850. After a while, I decided to do further research. I discovered that Nikon has something significantly better camera than D850, but it is a professional mirrorless instead of a DSLR camera. I found out that this camera is one of the top 10 lists of every reviewer when it comes to a camera overall (compact, action, DSLR, mirrorless, etc.). I decided to get that one instead of the D850 because it has better specifications than the D850 has. That is Nikon’s new Z 7ii; Nikon Z 7ii just came out not too long ago, which has a whopping 46MP, with more FPS and higher resolution for a video than D850 has. After finding out that Nikon Z 7ii offers more than what their D850 does and I decided that it will be the camera, I own so now I do. Nikon Z 7ii has more features and better performance…

GoPro Hero 9

The behemoth company of more than a decade manufactures many action cameras since starting with a big bulky camera with a folding case that you could strap it onto your wrist to capture an image or video to a most portable camera out there that capture everything. – GoPro. GoPro release newer generations of products on an annual basis, specifically for action cameras or small cameras like some other company do with their products that release more recent generations such as Apple or Microsoft for their mobile products or computers. GoPro has released one of the newest generations of their beloved products line over a week ago, and that is the Hero 9. GoPro Hero 9 is here, but this time it comes with significant new features that surprise everyone and is doubly better than each generation they released in the past! Every new generation that GoPro made for their Hero line gets better, but this latest generation is double better! Every new generation for GoPro’s Hero would see two or three improvements that come with them. Every three or four generations, we would see either a redesign or drastic improvement in the design for the body along with the camera’s lens. So, we get something little good comes with every new generation that they produced, and some of them…

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