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Tag: Food Review

Little Debbie Cookies & Creme Brownies

We all know there are so many desserts and snacks that we can eat and not eat if we don’t like them. There is one that you should not dismiss and must give a try, which is a product made by the Little Debbie company. Now, we know that a few of the products that Little Debbie makes are delicious, but there is one that stands out more than all of the products made by Little Debbie, and that is Little Debbie Cookies & Creme Brownies. So, here is my review on Little Debbie Cookies & Creme Brownies, and if you have eaten them before, please leave a comment below to tell me what you think of Little Debbie Cookies & Creme Brownies as well! I have always been a big fan of Little Debbie’s brownies, especially their chocolate base with fudge icing and no toppings. I am not a fan of Cosmic because of these little candies on top of them; their brownies are one of the best brownies I have eaten. I am very picky regarding the toppings on brownies or cakes. One of my three favorite cookies is Oreo cookies, so putting them on that, I am already a big fan of and in love with their brownies! The brownies themselves are chewy, which is what Little…

Pizza Hut’s Pepperoni Lover’s Melt

I am a big fan of Pizza Hut restaurants; who doesn’t love Pizza Hut?! They launched a few new items for their menu not too long ago, and one of them is called Melts. What is it, and what do I think of them? I will share that here, along with a review! At first, I admit that I was so confused with the name of the new item they had put on their menu because the look of it and how they described the food item didn’t exactly give me a clear image of what it was until I looked into it more. If the people over at Pizza Hut and some people come to me to tell me that they resisted ordering that item named Melts or that they are struggling to sell them, then it is no wonder. Because I resisted ordering melts for a while because, again, I was unsure of the food item; if you hear a pizza restaurant telling you that the new item on their menu is called melts, tell me, what does it sound like? Almost like a cheese stick, cheesy, or something that has to do with cheese being melted. Maybe macaroni and cheese? Perhaps it’s the cheese itself but seasoned? Ohh! Maybe it’s deep-fried cheese (which I realized is cheese…

Peppi by Tudor’s Biscuit World

It seems that Tudor’s Biscuit World continues to add better foods to its menu, and one of them is called Peppi, which is the one that I will review today! If you have eaten at Tudor’s Biscuit World, then you would know that their favorite item is none other than the biscuit itself, which is obvious due to the name of the business Tudor’s Biscuit World. They have a few delicious foods on their menu, which they serve all day, such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Such as their biscuit, biscuit with sausage, biscuit with egg, biscuits with egg and sausage, gravy and biscuit (gravy platter), meatloaf, baked or fried steak, beans with cornbread, hot roast beef, and many more as they also have sandwiches. They have a bunch of biscuits menu with many different names, and each has different things on their biscuits, such as one called Ron, which has sausage, egg, and cheese. The other morning I decided to have a cheat day because, for many months, I have been on a strict diet to lose several pounds but have a couple of cheat days every month, so I used one of that cheat days, I have decided to go for the Peppi which is an odd name I admit, but at the same time, I now see…

Zaran Saffron

The other day I decided to order some saffron after watching a few foods and cooking television shows because I often saw them using saffron in many of their foods, so that had me wanting to give saffron a try. I have never tried them before. So, I have decided to look up what saffron is all about and saw that it comes from some flowers. They are well known in Iran, where most saffron comes from, and they look delicious from a view. I looked saffron up on different e-commerce websites such as Wal-Mart, Target, Amazon, Sams Club, and whatnot, then I found some at Amazon that convinced me to purchase one of them from there. The one that I brought is called Zaran Saffron; what got my attention was that it said they are handpicked and have the highest quality grade, which they call super begin. Many different makers make and sell saffron. I went with Zaran one because of many reviews and several articles that provide a top list of the best maker of Saffron – Zaran was often found to be in the top three of several top ten lists. When it was shipped to me, I was excited because it was something new to try, as I am always curious about something new to try…

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