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Tag: Apple TV

11-8-2019 Snippets

How are you all?! I hope that everything is well with you all, I know I haven’t done snippets article in a very long time as I have been investing a lot of my time on other parts of JoshiesWorld and that is reviews as some of you already know by now that the reviews are a new addition for JoshiesWorld. Not only that, we all know that Christmas is coming faster than we feel or think and this means that we have been busy or that we are about to get busier than ever especially trying to shop for some of the things for our family and friends! Even I am already thinking about the things or what to do for Christmas I am forgetting that there is Halloween coming up in just a matter of few days and then there is thanksgiving on the way! There are so many things for me, trying to juggle a lot of things and hoping that one of them doesn’t slip through but even sometimes they are difficult I like doing them. Sometimes I fail, sometimes I succeed and that is just the norms for the people who try to accomplish something that they want to accomplish or reaching whatever the goals that they want to reach. Is there something that you…

4-26-2019 Snippets

I am hoping that the day is going well so far for you all, as that we are now in the spring season and that is my least favorite season of all the seasons for one or a couple of reasons. For past a month or a couple of months I have been trying to find or think of something to write about but I couldn’t come up with something or it is that I have been very busy lately. Well, it is more than I have been busy lately because ever since the beginning of last month March I have started doing something that I never have did and that is doing something that I have always wanted to but never did so because of a few reasons which I will be sharing in one of my snippets below but before I get into it I want to let all of you know this that I am grateful for your patience and support that you have given to JoshiesWorld or me. It means a lot to me, really and please continue doing so because you all are my motivation otherwise I really wouldn’t have a reason to continue or try to continue especially after doing something as this drastic that I did for the past month. 4-26-2019 Snippets Alright,…

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