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Tag: Ancestry DNA

The 23andMe Experience And Finding A Family

A few businesses out there let us discover the family members we might need to be aware of; two of the most popular companies are Ancestry (also AncestryDNA) and 23andMe. They focus on finding our roots in our DNA, where our ancestry originated, what ethnicities we have, and getting help with our family tree. They would suggest or hint that someone might be my relative, so they added them to my family tree to let me know how they relate to me. Both of them have a tool that helps us find out where our ancestry root is and what we are in term of ethnicity. That tool I am talking about is that they would ship us a tube for us to take a spit in and then ship them back to them for them to do research in our DNAs to pinpoint what we are. Also, do we have family members we might not know? I went for both. I used 23andMe to find what I am, and then they will try to match my DNA with other family members I might not know. They would send a long list of different person names and compare my DNA with theirs, such as the percentage of the chance that we are related. I used Ancestry (they are also AncestryDNA)…

9-8-2020 Snippets

Hello everyone! I know I have not written a snippets article in a great while, and I would like to apologize for that. I have been swamped lately, especially with everything that has been going on this year, as this year of 2020 has been so awful to me, which I will share about that in one of the topics below. Here we are; I hope that all of you enjoy at least one subject in this snippets article, and as always, if you have any suggestions for a topic that you would like for me to talk about or share on, please feel free to contact me with a topic suggestion. I hope that all of you are doing great and as well enjoying whatever that we have left of the summer as we are approaching the fall quickly. While you all are enjoying what is left of summer, please do so safely, especially that we are still in the middle of the pandemic, and it does not look like it is going away or down enough to where it can be safe enough for us to be out doing things. In case if you are new here, so you know, you can click the “Show Topics List” below here, which that will show you all of the topics…

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