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Tag: Action

Movies for this year, on the list.

There are some of the people who doesn’t watch many movies and there are some of the people who does watch several movies and I am one of the people who watch several movies, because movies is my thing and I watch several movies every day as it is one of my addiction. It isn’t all about being entertained when watching movies but it is also learning about the movies itself, as in some of the movies you can learn about something that you don’t know yet. Beside blogging, watching several movies a day and collecting several movies as well is my passion and I am sure that I am not the only person who has a passion that watch movies daily and collects several movies on the shelves and on the computers as digital. Some of the people prefer musics over movies and that is something I will never understand but whatever floats their boat I guess, of course these people who prefer musics over movies might not understand how some of the people prefer movies over music so that is fair. Watching several movies isn’t my only thing but watching some of television shows is my thing too because they are same in some way although it is still different only due to the duration in between movies…

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