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Category: Announcements

Expanding To Social Media

Hey everyone! I know I last wrote an article or did a review here at JoshiesWorld’s website a while ago, and I apologize to all of you for that! I hope all of you are doing well; I am doing well, although I have some good and some bad days, just like everybody else. For several days, I have been thinking about what I can do to move the needle further for JoshiesWorld; by that, I mean to find a way to get JoshiesWorld more recognition and cover more areas for JoshiesWorld. Over a decade and a half, all the content, such as articles and reviews, has been created only on JoshiesWorld’s website, so I decided to expand to social media. The website will always be the main source/place for all the articles and reviews, but on social media, it will be more personal, such as sharing pictures, videos, live videos, reels, and whatnot. will always be the face of everything. By doing this, I hope to be more interactive with the fans (old or new) of JoshiesWorld, reaching out to all of you instead of you having to reach out to me by coming to the main source, JoshiesWorld’s website. As I said, on social media for JoshiesWorld, it will be more personal. Still, articles and reviews…

JoshiesWorld Now Has A Shop!

JoshiesWorld’s shop is now here, as I have been working for a very long time to launch a shop for JoshiesWorld where you can get some JoshiesWorld merchandise! At this moment, the shop already has a few items you can browse and purchase, but as time goes by, the shop will gradually grow with more items for sale so be sure to keep an eye out for them! If you have any idea what item JoshiesWorld should have, please feel free to let me know by using the contact page above, or you can click here to go to it, or if you prefer social media, you can do just that as well which here is the social media list that is associated with JoshiesWorld for you to like/follow! To get to JoshiesWorld’s shop, click the “shop” tab above on a web version, but on the mobile version, you press the 3 bars (menu bar) on the right top corner, which will expand and click the shop one to go to JoshiesWorld’s shop. Or you can click the link here to go ahead and get to it instead. If you find any issue with the shop, please click here and contact me soon as possible. Thank you so much for supporting JoshiesWorld for 15 years since its launch in 2007!…

Happy New Year 2022

Here at JoshiesWorld, I wish you a very happy new year of 2022! I am sure that many of you have goals or resolutions that you would like to accomplish in the new year of 2022. That goes the same with me, which I will be sharing in a few days in a new article on here so you can get an idea of what goals or resolutions I might have for the year 2022. As we are going into a new year, we have a new page of 2022 to do something that we learned not to repeat whatever we did in 2021 that was not good or our bad mistakes. Whatever we may have done that was not good for us in 2021 never be cleansed, but in 2022 we have a new slate to do whatever can reflect us in a good way. Sure, whether our 2021 year might reflect us in a good or bad way is something that we can never erase because it has been recorded. Now, how do we want the 2022 record of ourselves to look like? It is entirely in our hands on that one. Speaking of the 2021 record, of whatever we did, whether it is good or bad that reflects who we are, we have a chance to be…

Merry Christmas 2021 From JoshiesWorld

This is Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan of JoshiesWorld. I want to write a personal letter here to all of you and wish you a Merry Christmas, along with a few tips! I hope that all of you enjoy your Christmas this year; I know that it is not the usual Christmas that many of us accustomed to as we are in a horrible pandemic that prevents many of us from being able to be with other family members or friends, especially on this special holiday day. However, we should keep our distance from others because we do not want to be the ones that expose them to this horrible virus and risk them not seeing them again next Christmas. But the good thing is that there is a technology that allows us to celebrate with our family members or friends, which is virtually such as video chat and or making a telephone call to them. Yes, it is not good as not being there to celebrate with them in person, but we must keep them all ourselves safe to spend time together again next Christmas when this pandemic is hopefully over. The technology is there, so we should take advantage of that, at least we get to celebrate with our family members or our friends while at the same time keeping…

10-30-2020 Snippets

Hey guys and ladies! I hope that all of you are doing well! I know that this year hasn’t been too good to any of us thanks to the virus pandemic, as it unexpectedly disrupts many of our routines on the business level and as well on a personal level. I hope that all of you are protecting yourself if not for your elderly family members or friends and the people with health conditions since we know that anyone who is elder or who has health condition is the ones at the highest risk if they are exposed to COVID-19. I know it isn’t easy to distance ourselves from the elders or people with health condition ones to protect them, but there is always a way to take advantage of modern technology such as video chat. The more people who follow what the health officials ask of us, such as wearing masks and social distances at least six feet or further and washing our hands thoroughly, the quicker we can beat the invisible enemy of ours. If you refuse to do that, then at least do one right thing: to distance yourself from the elder ones or those who have health conditions because doing so would mean you would show them the respect they would for you. Just because you…

Endorsements For the US and Ky Election 2020

This is a public endorsement for JoshiesWorld, owned by a citizen in Pike County, the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the United States of America. As Joshua Sullivan of JoshiesWorld, I would like to publicly endorse the candidates in this upcoming election of 2020 in the United States of America and Kentucky and the candidates in my county, Pike County, Ky. Many news media, journalists, bloggers, and others are known for endorsing candidates in the political election, so JoshiesWorld is joining the news media who endorses candidates for political election! President and Vice Price of the United States of America Every United States presidential election is crucial for all people in the United States of America because they are the country’s highest leadership position. As critical as the representatives and the senators, but they mostly shape a state rather than the country, both president and vice president shape the country. As important as the state’s congresses for the United States House of Representatives and the Senate too. In my opinion, every election is equally important. This is why we should never dismiss any election, whether it be a midterm election or a general election, because all of them shape how we want our government to make our lives easier. We know that this past four years, ever since the last general…

Want Your Stuff or Business Reviewed?!

This is for businesses that create products, companies, or agencies with services and restaurants serving foods and drinks. If you own a business that manufactures/makes products, a company that offers services for customers, or a restaurant that serves meals and beverages is looking for a critic review of your products, whether it be things, foods/drinks, or services, please do contact me to do reviews on JoshiesWorld. To have your products that are things to be reviewed, you will be able to ship the products to an address provided to you via e-mail by JoshiesWorld, which you can contact by going to the contact page. What are the acceptable products? Almost everything, but please get in touch with me to make sure because there are certain products that I cannot do, such as those designed or manufactured for women, as I am an adult male myself. To review your service at your business or foods and drinks at your restaurants, can extend an invitation to me by letting me know that you’d like for me to review them, and then I will come over there to check them out (expect that I will ask to take photos and videos of them). Still, of course, if it’s long-distance, that is, further out of Pikeville, Ky or also out of Logan, Wv on…

New Add To JoshiesWorld, Reviews!

I have been thinking about what I have been missing from JoshiesWorld, I know I have made a few reviews on here but mostly on other websites such as Google, Facebook or IMDb and whatnot. When I make a review on here, it is usually a simple article sharing my thought of a product, film, television show, a website, a business or whatever that I would want to make a review on. The other day I was looking through all reviews I have made, I came to realizing that I need some sort of system that would do a review better than just an article with my thought, besides a few days ago I received an e-mail from a new business that has created a product and they sent me some details wondering if I would take in their new product for a review. That is where I told myself that I have to do something because I declined to receive a free product from a company in exchange for my review and the reason I declined was that I felt that if I want to give a real review that I would need something first. So, that is where I decided to do something and integrated a review system onto JoshiesWorld so that way I can give a real…

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