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Category: Announcements

JoshiesWorld Forum.

I am currently still working on the forum, only what is slowing me down is thinking how the way I want it to be but soon it should be up and running, hopefully. If I cannot think of anything soon as I expect to be done then I will just launch plain forum enough for JoshiesWorld family, friends and fans to use to communicate with Joshie. And, if you are asking me if it would be integrated into blog and make it match with the way front page is, then no it won’t be. It’s too much to do for me just to make forum to look all neat. All it really matters is to have a forum that will be comfortable for everyone to use and readable and also writable. Real chance here, is that I am only going to release a forum and if it won’t be used often, I will shut the forum part down so it won’t use up the space while it is not necessary to just leave the forum in dust and not being used.

Happy Birthday to Joshie!

Today is my birthday, I am now officially twenty three, wow! I am getting older every day. Today has been great so far, I got my girl, I got my family and friends. That can’t get any better than that, and I very much thank you all for the happy birthdays and these who calls me. My day isn’t over yet, but I fear that it will be since it’s only one day every year, but better than never. If you want to wish me happy birthday, you can do so by leaving the comment below this post to wish me happy birthday and I will for sure to check them out and also reply, so keep your eyes on for the reply from me. Again, thank you very much! Later today, after it ends. I will try to remember to write all about it, maybe few pictures or videos, who knows. I love my girl, my family and friends. Thank you all.

JoshiesWorld goes Mobile!

That’s right, my friend. I have integrated JoshiesWorld to work for mobile. If you have a cell phone but no computer/laptop around you and you would like to continue to read blogs and updates for news of mine. Indeed, JoshiesWorld will work on cell phone. There is NO specific url to go mobile mode of JoshiesWorld. All you have to do is just type “” or “” just same way you do for your internet browser! Enjoy mobile mode of JoshiesWorld on your cell phone. If you encounter errors while in mobile mode, please do report by leaving some comments under this post and I will look into to solve the errors as possible. Hope you have easier way to use JoshiesWorld anywhere.:) I am excited, indeed.

Good morning fellows.

Hello everyone. Good morning to you all, as today I am currently thinking what I am going to do about JoshiesWorld, meanwhile I am doing that I just want to say good morning to you all and I hope that all of you have a good day! I am looking forward to make JoshiesWorld live again, it is tough to get all ideas back onto JoshiesWorld because I haven’t worked on websites or get all ideas and merge into a website of my own. So patient will get me somewhere! If you have any ideas what should be add-on to JoshiesWorld, please feel free to leave a comment below and I will look into it and maybe make it happen since I am pretty much out of several ideas that I had on here before!

Guess what?!

Hello everyone. As you see this. You guess it right, JoshiesWorld is back and alive again! As you see that this website are currently plain and small. Don’t worry, because it is currently under construction. I am working on to fresh start everything for once and all because previous was a real mess with several errors flying around. As I am learning as the days go and hopefully that I will catch every error that comes to attention for me to fix. But meanwhile, welcome back! I am still alive yet! I am planning on to work to bring the forums back so all fans of JoshiesWorld can communicate again with Joshie. Importantly, I want to thank you all for having me to reconsider my retirement. I now won’t retire and I am back as web developing.

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