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Category: Multimedia

Movies, Videos, Music, Audio, Photo, Image

Belfry Fireworks videos!

As on July of the third where the city Belfry of Kentucky shoots large fireworks, they finally made improvement this year, better than last year. I drove my new four wheeler to Save A Lot in parking lot to watch the fireworks and decided to bring my Sony camera along with me so I can record some of fireworks for you and many of others that missed it. Please note that all fireworks every second is not in this video. I didn’t record the entire time of fireworks shooting, but I did catch most of it in my time though. Enjoy the videos that I have recorded for you! Click play on the video below, there’s three clips because of YouTube minutes length required ten minutes per video and there was more than ten minutes so I had to trim/cut it and then edit into another part of clip. Watch below! Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.

Halo: Reach.

As I have been reading through few of articles and reviews on the new upcoming game from itself Halo gaming company, the bungie studios. I’ve stumble upon that the fact it sound that it’s going to be a last core game of Halo, itself “Halo”. Unless, of course that the article that the person has wrote on Yahoo had me misunderstood but I still stand by my statement as what it sound like to me. I am very excited to see and to experience the last Halo game as if they are telling the truth about that it’s slated to be the last core of Halo. As some of people know that I was or is still fan of Halo ever since it was first made and released back in 90s as I still own the first Halo after it was released for original or some gamers call it regular first Xbox. It was actually fun, and they have been indeed to improve its core to the Halo, especially in Halo 3 is very noticeable for improvement. Now that being said on my part, I recommend you to go to the article that they’ve wrote over at Yahoo about Halo: Reach. Please click the link here to read the information about Halo Reach over on the Yahoo Article/News.

My first niece.

Guess who?! The picture I have uploaded onto the right of this post is my first niece. She’s the most adorable and the most beautiful little child I have ever seen, that I call my first niece. Her name is Serinity Jade. She’s the daughter of my lovely youngest sister, Racheal. She was born in Janurary 2009. So yes, she is one year old and few months as today. I remember the day that my sister Racheal told me that I am an uncle, I couldn’t believe it at the first because it was quite shocking news to me since it was first of everything that I have became. Now, it’s true. I am an uncle of the most amazing and beautiful little girl named Serinity. So yes, I was very happy. I remember back in the day when I found out that my sister was pregnant, first thought came to my mind was I am uncle. Now, I am proud to be one of Serinity. I will cherish everyday from the day I heard that I am an uncle. Even some of people may think I act differently when I said I am uncle, but believe me it’s more than that. No, I haven’t seen her literally yet but I will soon, hopefully. They are currently in Ohio, and…

Playing Pac-man on BlackBerry.

Here’s the video of me playing Pac Man that I bought the game for my BlackBerry Tour. It bought me a lot of memory how classic this game was several years ago especially playing it at the arcade room in some specific store and such. I remember I couldn’t resist and had to get a lot of coins just to play Pac-Man. I was playing almost most of the day, now I have it on my BlackBerry so any where I go, I now can have something to play while on the go! If you like Pac-Man and own a BlackBerry, I suggest you to buy it. It’s actually same thing as from arcade except you’re playing it on BlackBerry. You can find it and buy it from BlackBerry App World which the link can be found in the video description at the YouTube on my channel, to get to it by just click the video and it will take you to the video page of my video and then click more at the description and then you can find the link to direct yourself to the page to e-mail it to your BlackBerry and then you can purchase it and download onto your BlackBerry. I don’t know if it would work without using data on your BlackBerry, since I…

BeBuzz Led Customizer.

Hello everyone, this time again that I have decided to come back and record more videos and become more videos uploader for my YouTube Channel which can be found at Also, please be sure to subscribe to my channel on YouTube to keep a track of new video(s) I will be recording and uploading! Enjoy!

Worthy of listening.

I have been listening to this song for almost an hour and figured in case if any of you haven’t heard to this song that are released by Gorillaz! They are still good from their first album to today! Click a video below to give it a play and listen also watch the video. Enjoy.

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