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Playing Pac-man on BlackBerry.

Here’s the video of me playing Pac Man that I bought the game for my BlackBerry Tour. It bought me a lot of memory how classic this game was several years ago especially playing it at the arcade room in some specific store and such. I remember I couldn’t resist and had to get a lot of coins just to play Pac-Man. I was playing almost most of the day, now I have it on my BlackBerry so any where I go, I now can have something to play while on the go! If you like Pac-Man and own a BlackBerry, I suggest you to buy it. It’s actually same thing as from arcade except you’re playing it on BlackBerry. You can find it and buy it from BlackBerry App World which the link can be found in the video description at the YouTube on my channel, to get to it by just click the video and it will take you to the video page of my video and then click more at the description and then you can find the link to direct yourself to the page to e-mail it to your BlackBerry and then you can purchase it and download onto your BlackBerry. I don’t know if it would work without using data on your BlackBerry, since I had to use the data (internet) to download it onto my BlackBerry. I am sure that there’s some other around way to do so by asking for a help down at BlackBerry forum or the biggest BlackBerry forum at

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