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Category: Films and Shows

8-8-2019 Snippets

Time for other snippets where I will share some opinions, some sort of reviews, sharing some little things about some things and as well talking about some stuff but in short as possible instead of a full-blown article on one subject. In case if you are new and don’t know what snippets article are all about, it is more than one topic in an article instead of only one article on one subject so that it can give you the readers something more to read in one place rather than going one by one for each topic that may interest you. I know I haven’t written anything in a pretty long time ever since the last article came out about exposing a Deaf person’s social security which you can find it here, I have been so busy and when I finally had the time to write some I ends up having some problem with my health (nothing major), then recovered and then got so busy and repeats so I almost couldn’t find any time to write. Even right now I am having a little hard time dealing with my right rib for some reason but I thought that I better just start writing before I keep you all too long waiting for something new from me and I figured that…

4-26-2019 Snippets

I am hoping that the day is going well so far for you all, as that we are now in the spring season and that is my least favorite season of all the seasons for one or a couple of reasons. For past a month or a couple of months I have been trying to find or think of something to write about but I couldn’t come up with something or it is that I have been very busy lately. Well, it is more than I have been busy lately because ever since the beginning of last month March I have started doing something that I never have did and that is doing something that I have always wanted to but never did so because of a few reasons which I will be sharing in one of my snippets below but before I get into it I want to let all of you know this that I am grateful for your patience and support that you have given to JoshiesWorld or me. It means a lot to me, really and please continue doing so because you all are my motivation otherwise I really wouldn’t have a reason to continue or try to continue especially after doing something as this drastic that I did for the past month. 4-26-2019 Snippets Alright,…

8-15-2018 Snippets

No long time see here, I know I haven’t written a blog post in a very long time, specifically about 2 and half months to three months as the last time I have made a blog post were in April. I know I made a blog post last week but that doesn’t really count it because that was only a very short blog post to inform you all that I was sorry for not being able to write anything for that long due to health reasons and I am still dealing with that but I felt that where I have not written anything for that long that I should do something about it so I am doing something about it here. As for my health issues, I still won’t share any details because it is private matters but I can say that it is something to stop me from writing and still is but I have an idea that I should just write a few sentences and whatnot then take a break so not to put too much pressure on myself. Nonetheless, there are a few or maybe a lot of things that I would like to share with all of you and I hope that all of you will enjoy the new snippets article that I am writing today…

10-21-2017 Snippets

Hey you all! I know I haven’t blogged anything in a very long time, the last time I blogged was last month on 28th in September about the people takes a knee in sports along with my opinion on it and you can find it here. I noticed that I am not as motivated to blog this year and last year as well since in the end of last year was when I reduced my activity in blogging due to a few reasons. One of these reasons was that I am aging, and my body isn’t what it was used to be so it’s a bit hard on me especially with disabilities I have. The combination of severe disabilities and the aging isn’t a good thing, it is painful. I know, it’s life and all that but with disabilities or illness while aging is not fun. While I am not blogging, most of the times I am usually either watching tons of television shows on streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO and Starz so at least I am entertained. Mentally, I am doing good though and physically is what limits me in my activities now. Every time I tried to write an article, I would be already exhausted and so would be my body which can be…

8-15-2017 Snippets

How are you doing today? I hope that all of you are doing very well, I am doing well myself although I have been very busy lately and I am getting a bit more excited that the summer is coming to end because if you recall in a few of articles that I have written a while back that I am a big fan of winter. Because of the snow and the cold weather if its average temperature for cold such as 20-30 degrees because if under that then it would become somewhat intolerable for me. Not only that, while I do love snow but I don’t like when they get to the point that we would be stuck for a long time or on these days when we have an appointment with the doctors of ours and whatnot but if it’s snowed in on the days that we are not needed somewhere then that is what I am all for as long as we don’t lose electricity. Did you all enjoyed your summer so far? We only have about a month before the temperature will start drops drastically especially in the last weeks of September to first week of October unless the mother’s nature isn’t ready (climate change). I know I haven’t written a snippets article since a few…

7-24-2017 Snippets

I know that I haven’t written an article for about twenty-four days and I am very sorry about that. Not entirely my fault though, I had planned on to blog last week but then my new gaming computer broke saying that it couldn’t detect any bootable to boot and for some reason there was a defective in my SSD drive so I had to ship the computer to one of the company’s repair shop to have it repaired. This wasn’t the first time that my new computer, since I had got it for Christmas by my mother, messed up because few months ago in May I believe it messed up because there were some pins where the processor card lays at were bent and had to send it off for a repair but ends up getting a replacement with better processor card along with better cooling system for the computer so it’s some free upgrades which I was happy with that. After they shipped the replacement one, I had only used it for a bit over two months and then it messed up because the SSD (solid-slated drive) were defected as I was notified that there was an update for Windows 10 so I had it updated then it brought a screen says something about not finding bootable or whatever…

5-30-2017 Quick Tidbits

How did the memorial weekend and day go for you all? I hope that you all had fun over the weekend, today and that all of us are safe considering that memorial weekends are known for an event when a lot of the people would party too much that involves alcohol. Driving while drunk is one of the most stupid thing ever in my opinion, so I hope that if all of you didn’t do that and calls a cab or have somebody as your designated driver to take you home safely. As for me, I never celebrate Memorial Day because I don’t like the idea of celebrating in memory of somebody or something that had happened in the past and it can make me sad. I look at it as negative, I mean how can you bring yourself to party and involves alcohol to celebrate for Memorial Day when it is really in memory of the bad things that had happened to the human beings whether it be family, friends, or strangers? Anyway, I know I haven’t blogged in several weeks and I apologize for that. Not to long ago I wrote an article stating that I was pretty much getting burnt out with blogging and that I am to reduce my activity in blog for the time being…

4-1-2017 Tidbits

It seems that the time has flown on, yesterday it seems as if it is still in the late winter like in February and now it is the first day of the April! I cannot believe how fast the new year 2017 is going already, maybe it is mainly because I have been very busy that I barely pay attention to the calendar and it passed by me. I remember last year in summer that the year of 2016 were going too fast, that we were already nearing Christmas and I said that I felt everything somehow rushed so now it is 2017 I am saying the same thing except that we are getting closer to summer in a hurry. I am sure by now that through several articles I have written last year especially around in the fall that I was looking forward to the winter because I am a winter person, I am a biggest fan of the winter because I never can stand the heat temperature that summer throws at me in the summer and I am not one of these many people who says that they cannot wait for the summer then they cannot wait for the winter. Not making up its mind, I always sticks with that I cannot wait for the winter for several…

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