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Month: July 2017

7-30-2017 Snippets

How are you all today or tonight?! I hope that all of you are doing well and I am doing well myself. I know it’s shocking that I decided to write another post for the blog in this short of time since I last wrote an article as lately I haven’t been that much of active in blogging world. I have tried to push myself back to where I can at least write two articles per week, but I can’t promise that I will because I don’t want to promise something that I might end up breaking and I don’t like breaking any promises if there were a promise made by me to somebody. Anyway, here I am with another snippet for you all to read and I probably will only do a short one tonight because I am not exactly in the mood to write an article for the blog. Really, I haven’t been in mood for anything lately and not only that I haven’t been feeling well myself for a week now. Summer is running out; this year is probably the shortest and quickest summer I have ever felt or seen because all the students and employees going back to school on August 7th which is in one week from now. But again, as I have said before,…

7-24-2017 Snippets

I know that I haven’t written an article for about twenty-four days and I am very sorry about that. Not entirely my fault though, I had planned on to blog last week but then my new gaming computer broke saying that it couldn’t detect any bootable to boot and for some reason there was a defective in my SSD drive so I had to ship the computer to one of the company’s repair shop to have it repaired. This wasn’t the first time that my new computer, since I had got it for Christmas by my mother, messed up because few months ago in May I believe it messed up because there were some pins where the processor card lays at were bent and had to send it off for a repair but ends up getting a replacement with better processor card along with better cooling system for the computer so it’s some free upgrades which I was happy with that. After they shipped the replacement one, I had only used it for a bit over two months and then it messed up because the SSD (solid-slated drive) were defected as I was notified that there was an update for Windows 10 so I had it updated then it brought a screen says something about not finding bootable or whatever…

Opinion on Anne E. Geers’s Research

Okay, where do I start here? Please note that this is my opinion and over 70 million people in the Deaf community are welcome to share their opinion on this subject as well. I strongly believe that the research done by Anne E. Geers may be biased or improperly researched. In her article, it stated that she studied a different three groups where one of them would have newborn to learn sign language early on, one with cochlear implantation while learning spoken language such as English and one with cochlear implantation learning sign language. In her research, she stated that the group where the newborn who had cochlear implanted and learnt spoken language could speak more clear and better reading than the other two groups. I must ask, did Anna E. Geers herself handpicked the sign language teacher to teach the child sign language? And what exactly did she mean “sign language”? Doesn’t she realize that all other sign language modes besides American Sign Language has proved to be fail and that American Sign Language has proved to be successful for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing child? Another question, wasn’t she aware of bilingual-bicultural education? The fact that American Sign Language is a visual language, a recognized language at that and it is vital that the Deaf children to…

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