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Category: Announcements

Would you wear JoshiesWorld?!

What if I begin to invent the accessories, clothing and such with and some with logo on it such as t-shirt, beanie, baseball cap, rubber bracelet or key chain, would you wear/use them? If I get more votes on yes or maybe than a no then I may take it into consideration, not only for promotion but only my purpose of this idea is for friends, family and fans to let everybody know that they know who Joshie is as I am not interested for doing this as business but only personal and be sure to note that I am definitely not interested in getting profit from this and I refused to take profit (except of course full price goes to the company that do the custom works) as I stated that I am not interested in business for this idea, I have other way for a profit which is from the advertisements, sponsors and affiliates that I added on here. The products will have and few words to it and maybe logo of JoshiesWorld such as JoshiesWorld logo works done and or my picture. Please cast a vote below but always remember, everything on here is optional! [poll id=”3″]

Go, go and go! Keep growing.

Ever since I have started back JoshiesWorld few months. But let me tell you before I tell you what I have in my mind. But back in 2007, yes back in 2007! Three years ago. I bought and registered from domain registrar and registered its domain into my name and then made it official for trademark. I was running JoshiesWorld some years ago with very little visitors and only very small website. That’s because I don’t know anything much about building website but now that I know and which that’s why this website is keep going and going, growing taller and taller daily. Before I was receiving roughly 100 views and I was looking at statics which is what keeps tracks of how many people and how much traffics are hitting here. Just recently, I decided to take a look into it and compare to now and the day that it FIRST released. It wasn’t growing too great which is why I shut down in 2009, I think. And retired working on websites for roughly a year but behind that, I was reading and studying harder and harder every day throughout the year trying to figure where I went wrong. Now and itself JoshiesWorld is growing over roughly two thousands visitors every half of a month and still…

Got a question?

I have signed up with a website that allows everybody to question anyone and anyone will give an answer. So it interested me enough to register an account with them for everybody to give me a question and I give the answer to everybody and then they can view all questions and answers on my profile from there. You can now ask me a question on there and I will give you an answer. You also have the option to ask question to me under anonymous or you can reveal who you are, it’s your choice. Now a way to get to it to ask me a question is go to “About” on top of JoshiesWorld and look for a link that says “Ask Joshie a question” or rather easier way to get to it instead going to another page on here is click this link and post your question(s) and then I will post my answer when I have the time. You may post any kind of question you like, don’t fear to ask me a question even if it’s good or bad, go for it! Thank you for visiting JoshiesWorld. Be sure to bookmark to your browser so you can visit back with one click of your mouse instead of having to type the domain name in…

Domain Transfer successful!

I want to apologize for JoshiesWorld and other domains that are personally owned by was temporarily down due to domains transferring to different domains registrar. Domains registrar is what holds domains and give me complete accessible to manage the domains with nameserver and among of others, especially to administrate all domains that are belongs to me. But that is done now, is running smoothly. Domains transfer is now succeed. So, guys keep surfing JoshiesWorld!

FaceBook Ads.

I have decided that I am going to go and shoot at FaceBooks advertisement and pay FaceBook to advertise JoshiesWorld for short of time in hope for a return of more visitors. JoshiesWorld has lots of visitors I will admit that, but this website needs to continue more visitors, especially unique visitors daily. Ever since I’ve added forums for additional to — you should go ahead and register, it’s free! Also, it is a best way to keep in touch with me.

Adding subscription of JoshiesWorld!

Subscription function for JoshiesWorld is now exist, which it can be found on right side of the bar, on the left sub-side under “Joshies Social”. You can subscribe to JoshiesWorld by adding your primary e-mail address which it shall never be sold, or used as spams. Only time you will receive e-mails from JoshiesWorld, and myself is once I updated JoshiesWorld with new post of the blog or new of the news especially what is going on with me today! I really hope that you are willing to subscribe to JoshiesWorld. Because, as I will be gladly to keep you update as much as I can. If you cannot find the subscription function which other way to call it subscribe alone then please feel free to leave a question under this post asking where it is and I will try my best to direct you to it. And just to let you know, there is one more subscription function which is located in “About” tab at top of website. Have a day or night. Please be careful out there in cruel world, as it really is. Regards, – Joshie.

Should I give one?

I have been thinking about to letting someone else to also post things about me to make it more real rather than me having to type about myself and others. That’s pretty the point of JoshiesWorld, right? Right. I have been seeking for another author that volunteer that personally know who I am and who get around me often to give the permission to a right for the person to log in and write the update and news about what’s going on with me. Hopefully, this will make it more real. And maybe that would make things easier too. Although this is pretty difficult to find one that I trust to give the access to, especially in back of JoshiesWorld to write a blog about what’s going on with me. So for now, we will see.

Spammer, don't bother.

Hello everyone. I want to let you all know that who any of you likes to spam especially spamming the comments through JoshiesWorld always are under approval. So don’t waste the time of yours to comment a spam especially trying to post links on any posts of the blog on JoshiesWorld, because once I review your comment and see that you post links and to spam, your comment will be permanently deleted, immediately. So I feel that I should at least to give you the head start cease your wasting time to comment spams! Go somewhere else and spam, not here. But please always remember, if you are only to comment something that are related to the post and that do not spam are always welcome to do so. But spammers, is on other hand go away!

Subscribe JoshiesWorld

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