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Month: June 2010

Fireworks in Belfry again.

As always every year there’s fireworks shoots in Belfry, Kentucky area. It’s pretty much traditional for everybody to go and see fireworks down there. They are traditional to me as well, but I tell you that Belfry needs to learn the meaning of surprise. Because, honestly. Belfry hasn’t shoot decent fireworks in many years. They always announced that it was supposed to be a big fireworks thing, wrong. It’s always short. Ten minutes, give or take and then they call it a night. It’s kind of bullcrap if you ask me. But only thing I am excited about that day is to go there and see my friends, that is my traditional. I don’t mind fireworks, really. But fireworks is definitely a bonus. It is this weekend, Saturday. Of course, I will be driving the new four wheeler there, my Polaris. I drove four wheelers to fireworks almost every year. First was Foreman, then Rubicon now it’s Sportsman 550 XP EFI. I am thinking that my mom is probably going to drive my Rubicon which I let her to do so if she like. Hopefully that fireworks is better this year than it was last year because it was just awful. I literally almost fell asleep on my Rubicon watching the fireworks but again there was one of my best…

Domain Transfer successful!

I want to apologize for JoshiesWorld and other domains that are personally owned by was temporarily down due to domains transferring to different domains registrar. Domains registrar is what holds domains and give me complete accessible to manage the domains with nameserver and among of others, especially to administrate all domains that are belongs to me. But that is done now, is running smoothly. Domains transfer is now succeed. So, guys keep surfing JoshiesWorld!

FaceBook Ads.

I have decided that I am going to go and shoot at FaceBooks advertisement and pay FaceBook to advertise JoshiesWorld for short of time in hope for a return of more visitors. JoshiesWorld has lots of visitors I will admit that, but this website needs to continue more visitors, especially unique visitors daily. Ever since I’ve added forums for additional to — you should go ahead and register, it’s free! Also, it is a best way to keep in touch with me.

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