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Tag: website

New Twitter: Better!

Recently on Twitter they have announced in their blog that they are rolling out a makeover design of the profile and possibly Twitter itself as well but by looking at the sample picture that they provided in one of their article on their blog looks very neat and more standout design than the current design that Twitter has. It’s almost about time that Twitter start doing a changes because the current or old design that they have used for too long, for several years while several of websites has already been upgrading to new designs and among others especially like FaceBook has new design and so does YouTube and others now it’s Twitter that’s about to change! Here’s a sample picture that Twitter shows in article on their blog: It’s going to look very cool when they roll out. Right now at the moment any new users who register on Twitter will have a new profile on Twitter and the new design but for us existing users will have to wait for weeks until they roll them out they said, I think that’s a bit of unfair however it’s understandable considering that their database must be unimaginable large size considering that Twitter holds millions of users in their database so that’s going to take a while to override the existing…

Yahoo! wants to compete YouTube.

This morning I was reading some news on Google news of course, as my usual news source. There were only maybe two or three news articles that interests me enough to read and one of them were the one about Yahoo! search engine is thinking about to set up YouTube rival to compete the most video sharing website which is YouTube. Quite interesting news article I must say, and it does make me think a bit about it considering that Google competitor is Yahoo since both is search engines and have other features such as e-mail, news, auto, stock and many others. My favorite would be of course, undoubtedly Google. Only search engine that I always get what I need and is accurate the most of time. However Yahoo is a good alternative I must say, and I used to use Yahoo all the time several years ago when I started using dial-up and first using the internet ever several years ago when I was a teenager, ah how I miss these days especially using the popular product belongs to Yahoo! which I am sure that most of you remember what it is, yes that is right! Yahoo Messenger. But while then, until Google became well-known and booming in growth and became a competitor of Yahoo! and now is number…

Friend’s website –

This article is only short and sweet, not my average article writing because this time only I would like to write is to let everyone who is my readers that I have a friend named Preston who have launched a new personal website of his own and that I would like to share his website to every one of you so you can head over and bookmark his website to read new articles every now and then when you have the time to read some blogs like here and his as well. At the moment he doesn’t have many of articles written and that is because he recently launched it in a week so give it a time (Preston, you have some catching up to do!) but here’s the website that I am recommending – a newly web blog by a long-time dear friend of mine, Preston. Enjoy! – Joshie.

Good morning fellows.

Hello everyone. Good morning to you all, as today I am currently thinking what I am going to do about JoshiesWorld, meanwhile I am doing that I just want to say good morning to you all and I hope that all of you have a good day! I am looking forward to make JoshiesWorld live again, it is tough to get all ideas back onto JoshiesWorld because I haven’t worked on websites or get all ideas and merge into a website of my own. So patient will get me somewhere! If you have any ideas what should be add-on to JoshiesWorld, please feel free to leave a comment below and I will look into it and maybe make it happen since I am pretty much out of several ideas that I had on here before!

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