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Tag: Trends

Blogger’s Toolbox

For every blogger, whether it be news-based blogs, foods-based blogs, personal, technology, business and many more of other niches that they like writing for or about has some tools in their blogger toolbox. Maybe there are some bloggers that doesn’t or even know that they exist, so this is why I am going to share what is in the blogger’s toolbox that I have been using for over a decade and I have gone through a quite a lot of tools before I could choose which ones that I would call my favorite tools. Just because you have found this article, there is a possibility that you are looking for some tools to use for your blog and I am going to share just that so to help some of you out a bit. Top name bloggers or blogs such as CNN, ABC, BBC News and many more has their tools to use which is why you would sometimes see them having their devices whether it be a laptop, tablet or smartphone when they attend some events to take some notes or actually write them as they hear them. Remember that this is what in my toolbox, there are some more of other tools that I don’t use and many alternatives to what I use because it depends on how…

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