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Tag: Social Media Post

Blackface Social Media Post By Belfry Middle School Teacher

There is news swirling around all over here in Belfry, Ky and in Pike County, Ky that there is a teacher who works at Belfry Middle School had taken a photo on Snapchat using a blackface painting or alike to mock a policy that Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear committed to giving free healthcare to the black and BIPOC (black and indigenous people of colors) community (read about it here). Here is the article that talks about this fiasco that is going on around here in Pike County, Ky; however, there is one problem that they aren’t naming someone, and I always believe in naming people, especially if they need to be held accountable for their behaviors or their wrongdoings.

Pike Schools investigating alleged blackface social media post by a teacher by Chris Anderson at Mountain Top Media.

You would see such local news like Mountain Top Media and others who are afraid to hold people accountable for their actions, which I think is wrong because then how would people learn their lesson? And for that, I am naming her along with the evidence.

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