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Blackface Social Media Post By Belfry Middle School Teacher

There is news swirling around all over here in Belfry, Ky and in Pike County, Ky that there is a teacher who works at Belfry Middle School had taken a photo on Snapchat using a blackface painting or alike to mock a policy that Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear committed to giving free healthcare to the black and BIPOC (black and indigenous people of colors) community (read about it here). Here is the article that talks about this fiasco that is going on around here in Pike County, Ky; however, there is one problem that they aren’t naming someone, and I always believe in naming people, especially if they need to be held accountable for their behaviors or their wrongdoings.

Pike Schools investigating alleged blackface social media post by a teacher by Chris Anderson at Mountain Top Media.

You would see such local news like Mountain Top Media and others who are afraid to hold people accountable for their actions, which I think is wrong because then how would people learn their lesson? And for that, I am naming her along with the evidence.

This teacher at Belfry Middle School who took a photo of herself with blackface on social media such as Snapchat is Brooklyn Branham.

I think it is a shame and very low for her to do that, especially how she said it in her Snapchat photo and did blackface (looks like exfoliating/charcoal face wash or some sort) in it. On her Snapchat photo, which it shows above, it says, “Working on gettin that free health care. This should get me at least 50% coverage right?! ??”. What is even worse is the fact that she is teaching a public school. There are a few students who happen to be people of color that attend Belfry Middle School, which is where she is a teacher at and she thinks it is ok to do something like this? Unacceptable, and I am wondering what Pike County, Ky Board of Education, and Belfry Middle School are going about this racist behavior? This action is not acceptable anywhere on this earth. I hope that Pike County, Ky Board of Education and Belfry Middle School I know will do the right thing and have her fired rather than say that they would “discipline her” which is practically a way of saying that they would sweep them under the rug as if it never happened. Before some of you go saying, “oh, it’s just that black thing that women use to cleanse their face, you know?” excuse – no, just no. She did more than that; she did that on purpose and added a note on the photo. If she hadn’t left that note on her picture on her Snapchat, then maybe that wouldn’t have much of weight to it, but it does because of her hateful behavior in her note. She knows what she was doing and did it anyway, which is where it is unacceptable, and this breaks my heart because we in Belfry or Pike County of Kentucky should be better than this!

What are you going to do about this, Board of Education in Pike County, Ky, and superintendent Reed Adkins?! I wonder! Shame, disgusting, and disgraceful! It is not acceptable!

UPDATE (06/30/2020)
Belfry Middle School math teacher, Brooklyn Branham, has been resigned after many people on social media and news media, including JoshiesWorld, have called for her removal due to her racist behavior. Pike County Schools Superintendent Reed Adkins, on June 30, 2020, has said, “In the Pike County school system, we’re certainly not going to tolerate any kind of inappropriate behavior from our employees,” then proceed to say “that’s non-negotiable for us. She no longer works for us.”

Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan.

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