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Tag: JoshiesWorld Letter

A tragic day for the Deaf community

As some of you know, what happened on Wednesday, October 25th? For the past few days, after discovering what happened on that tragic day, I have been thinking over and over about what to say or how to express myself. But I have been unable to; I could not find the words because I have been left speechless or signless. Should I say something or express something about what had happened? Because if I did, it wouldn’t reverse what happened that day. What happened on that day was pure evil and hit too close to home. We are used to seeing something like that happen often everywhere. What happened on October 25th is common here in the United States, but October 25th was different. What I mean by common is that we are seeing a lot of mass shootings happening all over the United States, and that a lot of lives were taken away from them. But it was different on October 25th, 2023, because on that day, there was a mass shooting in Maine, and we thought to ourselves that it was another mass shooting that we were so used to hearing or seeing until we realized it wasn’t. On that day, there was a mass shooting in the state of Maine in Lewiston where a man named Robert…

Merry Christmas 2021 From JoshiesWorld

This is Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan of JoshiesWorld. I want to write a personal letter here to all of you and wish you a Merry Christmas, along with a few tips! I hope that all of you enjoy your Christmas this year; I know that it is not the usual Christmas that many of us accustomed to as we are in a horrible pandemic that prevents many of us from being able to be with other family members or friends, especially on this special holiday day. However, we should keep our distance from others because we do not want to be the ones that expose them to this horrible virus and risk them not seeing them again next Christmas. But the good thing is that there is a technology that allows us to celebrate with our family members or friends, which is virtually such as video chat and or making a telephone call to them. Yes, it is not good as not being there to celebrate with them in person, but we must keep them all ourselves safe to spend time together again next Christmas when this pandemic is hopefully over. The technology is there, so we should take advantage of that, at least we get to celebrate with our family members or our friends while at the same time keeping…

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