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Tag: Internet

SuddenLink improved much needed.

SuddenLink communication is the provider for internet and TV cable that I am member of for several years. Last year our power were very prone to outrage even that they would go out on a sunny day, while power outrage we still have the TV cable and internet working smoothly because I own a power generator that powered some of important electronics such as computer, TV, heater and fridge to keep the meats frozen from going rotten. But this year is a total different since, thankfully to KY power (AEP – I believe?) improved our power drastically and our power isn’t prone to outrage anymore and it can withstand heavy storms this year that we had gotten so far which is quite pleasing especially the power is a bit more important than internet and TV cable but at times we do need internet for a reason and that’s business especially my own and as well for some of my devices to work properly as they require WI-FI. For past few of hard snow storms, we still have power and it wouldn’t even dim or flinch as it would usually last year which I am extremely pleased with the improvement that Kentucky Power did to improve our power lines to withstand anything that comes in the way such as blizzard, ice…

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