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Tag: DC Comics Movie

Wonder Woman 1984

This is the second film for Wonder Woman, as the first one was titled simply Wonder Woman, released on May 25th, 2017, and this second one, the latest, is titled Wonder Woman 1984, released on December 25th, 2020. The main character who portrays Wonder Woman in the first one is the same one that portrays the second movie Wonder Woman 1984, Gal Gadot. If you don’t know what Wonder Woman is, she is a comic character for DC Comics, who is a superhero. Wonder Woman is among the most popular superheroes, with the likes of Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and others. This Wonder Woman 1984 had pretty decent action scenes but not better than the first one. There are a few moments in this movie that I wish they would have gone a different way or done better. In the first Wonder Woman movie, we could see a good number of epic fights and actions, but this Wonder Woman 1984, if I recall it, only has one or two epic activities that involve fighting. They were almost at the movie’s end, unlike the first Wonder Woman movie. I think the biggest issue with Wonder Woman 1984 is the script itself and the movie’s storyline because I was a bit disappointed that they did not push themselves…


I brought the Joker movie more than a year ago, when the Joker movie was released for everyone to buy on October 4th in 2019. Still, I have not found the time or was not in the mood to watch the Joker movie produced by Warners Bros/DC Films directed under Todd Phillips, Bradley Cooper, and Emma Tillinger Koskoff. The casting in the Joker movie is none other than Joaquin Phoenix as the main actor for the Joker himself, and the supporting acting is none other than a very well-loved actor Robert De-Niro. Joker movie is two hours and two minutes long; it combines crime, drama, and thriller genres into one. The movie is rated R and was released October 4th in 2019 here in the United States of America, which I already mentioned above. As we all know, who Joker is, at least as a character from DC Comics. If you were a Batman fan who read Batman comic books since a child’s age, you know who exactly Joker is and what he does. If you don’t follow DC comics, especially Batman, and actually don’t follow movies made by DC Comics, then you wouldn’t know who Joker is, but you would still know who Batman is, thanks to its name is very popular everywhere. Joker is known as a supervillain…

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