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Tag: Consumers

Don’t Tell Deaf People To Read Lips

I think it’s getting to the point that we are fed up with the way of how people tell us to read their lips because they assume that every Deaf person can lipread when that isn’t even remotely true. I have seen it everywhere, this is common everywhere and it is more annoying than you think. It is acceptable if you would ask a Deaf or Hard of Hearing person if they can lipread but it is not acceptable and disrespectful to demand or to tell Deaf or Hard of Hearing people to lipread because not everyone can do so. Every Deaf and Hard of Hearing people have their preferred method of communications whether it be writing on a paper, demand an interpreter which by law they can require one, use a device such as a smartphone or a tablet to communicate with a hearing person or others that I have not thought of. I have seen some articles, videos and some people in the groups on Facebook or on social media share their experience where they were demanded to read lips but they cannot do so. Some would assume that anyone who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing have the ability to read the lips is a myth, it is tiresome for us come across the people who expect…

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