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Tag: American Sign Language

Burger King Tribute To Deaf Community!

One of fast foods chain somewhere over in the district of D.C. here in the United States decided to do something special, by doing something special which means they showed their appreciate to the Deaf community by temporarily changing the looks of the fast food restaurant itself and that is the Burger King. What did they do that shows their appreciation to the Deaf community? By changing the looks of the restaurant itself temporarily with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing’s native language American Sign Language (ASL). Although by on the social media, the Deaf community is saying that it is only for one day as there is some Deaf events that are going on down there in the district of D.C. and in my opinion I believe that Burger King should keep the way they are for at least a few days or more so a week if possible because then that would truly show that Burger King does appreciate their Deaf and Hard of Hearing customers who order their foods on regular basis. Even though it may be only for one day, they still shows that they are an alliance of the Deaf community and I am almost certain that no other fast food chain restaurants will follow the Burger King’s example by doing something similar to show…

Skype For Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

As of lately I have started to use the king of all video calling, instant messaging and group video calling calls Skype with a couple of my friends who happens to be Deaf which that means we communicate in our native language with each others on Skype. In case some of you may not know what I mean by our native language, that would be American Sign Language (ASL) as there are many of us Deaf and Hard of Hearing people’s first language is American Sign Language since that it is the language we started to learn when a tiny brain of ours starts to grow to a point that can understand the communication whether it be American Sign Language, English or any other languages that their parents prefer for their children. After spending a little more time of using Skype, for past years I was somewhat unsure of Skype because ever since I first owned a computer I always used Yahoo! Messenger and that is obviously different from what Skype is since Skype has much more features such as video calling, audio calling which that is something that is useless to me as I am hard of hearing and sharing the screen with other people. These features I mentioned is what are different from Yahoo Messengers, while as for…

Tidbits (2/8/2016).

Forgive me as I haven’t written a tidbits article in a very long time as it seems and the reason for that is because either that I have been very busy due to my hectic schedules or don’t have enough of topics for it to be a tidbits article. As some of you know that tidbits article has more than one topic which that tends to make it a long article for the readers to read and to my knowledge there are many readers here at likes tidbits because it involves more than just one topic which can get boring sometimes as tidbits article has more than one topic so that means something more to read for the readers. Every now and then I like reading long articles but that depends on what it’s about, if it’s tidbits article then that is the kind of long reading article that I like but if just one topic but a very long article to read can be boring sometimes unless the bloggers know how to keep the readers interested without allow the long article of only one topic to become boring. In case if you never have or don’t know what tidbits article are I suggest you to head over on at the top above here to look for a search…

National Association of the Deaf (NAD).

For several months I have begun to support an association or organization who represents Deaf and Hard of Hearing people nationally here in the united states until recently as I have realized something going with the association that sickens me especially to think that for few months I was supporting something that I thought who truly represents the Deaf community. That organization I am speaking of is National Association of the Deaf (NAD) who is an alliance of the Deaf community, who is responsible to advocate for the Deaf community when it comes to oppression, discrimination or any of unlawful actions by somebody and they are supposedly to be in the front of the battle making sure that the Deaf individuals have equality since National Association of the Deaf (NAD) founded in 1880 to take activism action in Milan against an organization named International Congress on the Education of the Deaf or ICED for short when International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) discouraged the use of American Sign Language in the education of the Deaf which is the natural language for the Deaf individuals. By discouraging the use of American Sign Language for the Deaf students by forcing the Deaf students in education to not use their natural language of American Sign Language, if they are caught…

The ASL App For You!

Many of you or some of you know that Deaf individuals natural language would be American Sign Language, for short ASL which is a language that the people who is Deaf and Hard of Hearing use as their communication tool to communicate. Commonly Deaf people use American Sign Language to communicate with each others but they have attempted to communicate with the people who’s able or they call them “hearies” in American Sign Language and majorly they failed to understand that language because they never learned American Sign Language which mainstream schools is the one to blame for because most of them don’t offer American Sign Language as one of their languages class. Several mainstream or public schools are offering at least language for the students to take, mostly either Spanish or French but not American Sign Language and what they don’t realize is that American Sign Language is more used than French but as important as Spanish though since in United States there is no official languages but three most used languages would be English, Spanish and American Sign Language equally. In 2012 United States Census populations for the people who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing is nearly forty (40) millions, 38,225,590 to be exact who lives in the United States who happens to be Deaf or Hard…

Nyle DiMarco ANTM.

The television show American Next Top Model cycle 22 have ended and the cycle 22 is the last cycles for the television show American Next Top Model starring with Tyra Banks under CW channel. American Next Top Model used to receive millions of viewers annually but lately the ratings for the television show have dwindled more than ever so the production of American Next Top Model have decided that the cycle twenty-two (22) is the end season for the American Next Top Model show and that CW will not renew American Next Top Model for another season which would be cycle twenty-three (23). I was never a fan of American Next Top Model until this year with the cycle twenty-two (22) because of one contestant out of fourteen (14) Nyle DiMarco who happens to be Deaf, proudly Deaf at that which that is something that I am interested because many of people who is Deaf that was on national television or film often would not show that they are proud to be Deaf but Nyle DiMarco is one of very few who weren’t afraid to show that they are proud of their Deaf culture and I am Deaf myself so of course I root for him to win to be the winner of American Next Top Model cycle 22. Nyle…

Cochlear Implant Isn’t A Cure!

As a few of you who aware of that I am hard of hearing although I would often tell everyone that I am Deaf instead but when it comes to the medical term of what I am it is hard of hearing due to no ear canal opening in my left and only a very little opening in my right ear canal. No there is no way to do a surgery to open up in both of my ear canals because the doctor said that if I were to have a surgery to open both ear canals that it would cause the entire of my face to be paralyzed because it would mess with the nerves in my face from my ears so thankfully my mother decided that she prefers me to be hard of hearing or Deaf and still be able to see me smile but now that I am adult I still would not want to have a surgery to make myself the ability to hear as I have told many of the people who I love being hard of hearing and that I do not want to be fixed so to leave it at that. Yes this means that I take the pride in being Deaf or medically hard of hearing because the culture is a such…

Nyle DiMarco Exposed.

Some of you may know who Nyle DiMarco is but almost every one in the Deaf community knows who Nyle DiMarco is because Nyle DiMarco is a part of the Deaf Community and yes that means that Nyle DiMarco is Deaf or Hard of Hearing but in this case Nyle DiMarco is Deaf. But outside the Deaf community, millions of people knows Nyle DiMarco through a television shows calls the America’s Next Top Model (guys/girls) contestants who is in top eight (8) 0r ten (10) if I remember correctly in the cycle 22 on with Tyra Banks on CW channel every Friday if I am not mistaken but you can find more accurate information about America’s Next Top Model shows on the channel’s website and to get better idea who exactly Nyle DiMarco is you can find a small biography for Nyle DiMarco through Wikipedia or through one of search engines such as Google or Bing. For several weeks Nyle DiMarco have won where he is to be safe from several eliminations which is somewhat surprising but at same time it is not because Deaf people have the best ability of creating face expression or body expression which that is what takes huge part in modeling especially for photography and of course most of the Deaf or Hard of…

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