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Tag: American Sign Language

Deaf Awareness Month: September

I know that lately I have written a few articles that is Deaf and Hard of Hearing related but the reason is the Deaf Awareness Month were to due in the month September which is the current month now. The purpose for Deaf Awareness Month in September is to educate the people about the culture of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, people who is audism are trying so hard to destroy for several decades now. Even though the Deaf community may be a little but it has a strength in holding their place when it comes to anyone that is trying all their best to make sure everybody is not aware that the Deaf and Hard of Hearing has their culture as they want to frame them with the label disability. As I am part in the Deaf community, the battles with audism daily is tiresome and frustrating because one of many reasons is that we never gave the permission to anybody to make any decision for us especially on state or nation’s level. So many of the people thinks that anyone who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing means that there is something wrong with them, hence the label disability but what they don’t realize it is not disability when it is a culture and there is some…

Tidbits 8-31-16

There are going to be a few of topics that I would like to share my opinions, my thoughts and along with some of the things that few of you may not know. As for some of you who checks my blog daily knows by now that the tidbits article intend to be a long reading article but if some of you are new or have just started reading my blog, by definition for the word “tidbits” says; a choice or pleasing bit of anything, as news or gossip. So you should get the picture, that it means there will be a few or many topics and not just one topic for an article and tidbits article are usually more entertaining or interesting to read instead of an article about one topic so to give you something more to read. As for me personally, I like to read articles that discuss on a few topics than just one topic because when it comes to writing or reading an article on one topic only they intends to be too short and as some of you know me, I am very talkative so tidbits article coming from me would be no surprise to some of you. If you are new or unaware that I have written a good numbers of tidbits article,…

Police Doesn’t Protect Deaf, Instead Harms Deaf

You would think that the law enforcement are hard on the colored people, abuse their power against them and did several police brutality on them but what many people does not realize is that they are not the only one. Law Enforcement gives Deaf and Hard of Hearing people a very hard time as there are several stories about their experiences when they had confrontation with the police. One of several experiences, there were a Deaf woman who called police for immediate help because she was being beaten by her boyfriend or husband so once the police arrived at their residence and the Deaf woman were approached by the police where she would be supposedly to explain the situation about her husband or her boyfriend beat her to the plum but instead the police never took the time to hear her explanation so they tasered her then body slams her to the ground with their knees on the back of her body and cuffed her then books her to the jail while the husband or boyfriend who can hear were scoot-free. So imagine the horror as if you were in her shoes, the police never even questioned that man or even to let the woman to tell them what was going on or the reason for their call to the…

We Want To Be Deaf And Don’t Fix Us.

I am sure that you are shocked with the title of this article, saying that we want to be Deaf and that we don’t want to be fixed. What a lot of the people doesn’t understand that being Deaf or even Hard of Hearing is a culture but several people who is audism try their darndest best to hide that and force a society to see anyone who happens to be Deaf or Hard of Hearing is a bad thing. Several people think that whoever became Deaf or Hard of Hearing whether it be at birth or afterbirth means that there is something severely wrong with them, it is because like people who is audism or an anti-cultural organizations such as Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing made the society to view us like that over a few decades ago or more like since in the year of 1880 when International Congress on the Education of the Deaf aka ICED banned any students who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing from the use of sign language to communicate. Thankfully National Association of the Deaf aka NAD was founded to protest against it and fought so hard to get the law or policy in education to allow any students or anyone who happens to be Deaf…

FaceBook’s Video Comment.

I am the one, I am sure there are many of others too who pressed Mark Zuckerberg to add video function to the comment for the FaceBook because before I started pressing Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of FaceBook it only has pictures function where you could upload pictures in the comment but not video and I decided to send a message to CEO of FaceBook Mark Zuckerberg that I suggest for him to add the video option along with the picture in the comment function because I have seen where several Deaf or Hard of Hearing people have complained about not being able to respond to anyone’s post with a vlog in American Sign Language so I suggested that Mark Zuckerberg to add the video function to the comment section instead of just only the photo function in the comment. This was not only one message as I have sent Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg on regular basis to remind him that he need to add video function to the comment because so that it would allow us Deaf community to be able to respond our family members or our friends wall post with vlog and that we can respond using our language American Sign Language instead of text comment. I also have explained FaceBook CEO Mark Zuckerberg saying that we…

AG Bell Is At It Again!

AG Bell in short for Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, generally in the eyes of public AG Bell is just short for Alexander Graham Bell himself who is known for being inventor as he have invented phone that everybody uses inside their household but its eyes of the Deaf community the name AG Bell itself is shortened for Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing as both of these are practically same nonetheless. In the recent news, AG Bell have just detonated the ticking bomb not only in the Deaf community but also some professionals who is experts in the languages itself as there were a conference where AG Bell gave presentation by none other than the president of AG Bell, Meredith K. Sugar and in her presentation at a conference she declared that American Sign Language which is Deaf and Hard of Hearing’s native language is animal for any Deaf or Hard of Hearing child to learn. To be exact she declared that bilingualism is animal for any Deaf or Hard of Hearing child to learn, which referring to two languages in a package; American Sign Language and English is animal for anyone to learn. How does bilingualism works? When a Deaf or Hard of Hearing child born, that…

Michael Hubbs Is Hypocrite

Even though this blog aims for a broad of people in general, meaning that this weblog is not a Deaf niche blog as from the beginning to this day I write articles for the people regardless if they are or not Deaf or Hard of Hearing and any other kinds as I produce for the people regardless what their background is. That is and always has been my readers base for over eight (8) years as I write about everything so it’s not focused on just one niche or two as this blog is focused on all kinds of niches or what I call it “all-in-one” niche. With that being said, I am going to start this article about a gentleman or should I say not-so-gentlemen in this case who goes by the name Michael Hubbs and he is somewhat a well-known person considering that he has decent numbers of fans base or followers because on his social media such as Twitter he has over 56 thousand followers which are somewhat surprising, especially to me. Before I start writing the Deaf community’s perceptive of him along with my opinion too, Michael Hubbs is known as a Deaf Speed Skater who has said that he will not allow any obstacles to get in the way of his dream to enter the…

Language Deprivation.

Language is a very important tool for communication otherwise we as human beings would not have a way to communicate with each others, pardon me I am actually wrong because as I wrote that I just realized that the human beings can communicate with each others using gestures or by visual but still a language is what makes it easier for us human beings to communicate with each others and thankfully there is a very long list of languages that allows us human beings to communicate with each others. Each language is in within’ our DNA, in other words our native language that we inherited from the earlier generations or the first language that we learned after the birth so that we can be able to communicate with our parents or to kickstart our education because without language then how are we able to learn? The language is very essential in our life, the language that we comfortably understand and communicate smoothly with others. Now there are a very large group, some organizations and even corporations always set out to make sure that we communicate using their language preference such as English here in the United States therefore they are on the look to deprive our native language by trying their darndest best to convince many of us human beings…

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