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Tag: America

Tidbits 7/9/2015.

As usual either when I cannot find something that is an interesting topic for me to write about in an alone article or that there wasn’t any interesting news that have sparked my feelings of the need to write about the news or something about some certain news. For a while not being able to find any interesting news that I think that might be interesting for all the readers to be interested in reading made me realize that it’s not only me having problem with trying to do some research on some of the news that could be interesting enough for me to write about or on as several reporters or writers seems like that their creative thinking or maybe it’s just that nothing interesting has happened anywhere that makes it interesting for some reporters or writers to talk about what has happened on the television or to blog about what has happened on their news websites like CNN. Keep in mind that there is several different kinds of bloggers that specialize in some of the genres they are comfortable to blog about, just like I have my own which I am what some call a general blogger and the speciality of being general blogger is everything instead of focusing on one thing such as foods, gaming, technology or…

Presidential Candidates For 2016.

Before I start writing my opinions about the presidential candidates for 2016 to be both president and vice president for the good ole’ United States of America I have a strong feeling that for all of us in the United States of America are going to get a bit mess. More ugly mess than we had for several decades since George W. H. Bush the 41st President for the United States of America because ever since George W. H. Bush took over the white house in Washington as a President for the United States of America there hadn’t been anything good for the people in the United States of America. Yes that our 42nd President of the United States of America Bill Clinton was actually a good President who did help our powerful country a little bit by cleaning up the messes that George W. H. Bush himself made in his presidency terms which at that time it was about the time that United States of America was starting to get back on its feet as Bill Clinton cleans up some of the messes that George W. H. Bush had left but then something that had happened that most of us never expected in maybe our lifetime was that there were another family members of Bush family declared his candidacy…

President Of The United States

Hello guys, how are you all doing? For me I am doing great myself although I could have been better but that is the part of life as the life has bumps on the road. Right now it is a half day so what did you do for half of the day and what are you planning on to do for the rest of the day? Hopefully whatever it is that you are planning on to do for the rest of the day has nothing to do with getting in troubles, haha! For the half of my day I have gone back and forward with doing some of research on the internet and watching something on the television although there have been nothing interesting on television today but in a few hours there will be finally something interesting on television that I will be watching. If you are wondering what is something interesting will be on the television in a few of hours, I am talking about a new episode of Mountain Men on History channel at 9PM o’clock EST (Eastern Standard Time) and new episode of Ice Road Truckers at 10PM o’clock EST on History channel as well after the new episode of Mountain Men so I am looking forward to that because these two shows are one of…

United States and being an American

Before I will start writing the article I will go ahead and tell you what exactly this article is going to be about so you can debate if you would like to read this article or not but this article will be about the United States and American people who resides in United States, so in a way this is somewhat politic subjects or issues in politics so if you like politics especially in United States then you may will like this article that I am about to write. Now there are many countries or nations whichever some of us prefer to call them and there are some good or bad countries on this earth and every country has their own humans ethic such as, the people in China country is Chinese, the people in Germany is German, people in United Kingdom is British, people in Russia is Russian and many more and all countries have their own breed and in my eyes every kinds of the people in all countries are unique. In my opinion I believe that all the nations should be united where each countries be friends with each others and be each others neighbors because then maybe the result of that would make each countries much better especially in economy because if every countries united with…

Independence Day, what that means?

There are many federal holidays on the calendar in the United States to celebrate although some of them are unknown or they are considered worth to celebrate, out of all federal holidays there is one federal holiday that is very important for everyone in United States and everyone always celebrate for that specific day. Obviously you know which federal holidays I am referring since it is in the title as it is independence day where everyone like to celebrate with some of their family and friends with some foods, drinks, party or what we love doing the most for the independence day is to shoot the fireworks in the sky where we can just sit back and watch some of awesome fireworks in the sky, the most common in some cities there is fireworks display on a day before the independence day for some reason and only a reason I could see is that to allow everyone to have their own celebration at home or somewhere with their family and friends to celebrate the independence day by cooking out some foods, stocking up some alcohol and shooting the fireworks of their own that they bought from some places that sells the fireworks like some tents that are sitting beside the highway especially over here in Belfry, KY. Although for some…

The Navy is getting NeRD!

While every day we enjoy playing or surfing with our smartphones and tablets such as Iphone, Ipad and Ipod and as well some of Android smartphones and tablets to watch some movies, to read some books, surf the internet or to play games and we love using them. Most of people now owns these devices and use them daily but Navy in United States soldiers are not allowed to have tablets or such on their fleet in submarine due to their restrictions and we know when they are out on the submarine somewhere in the middle of ocean, they don’t have much entertainment that we do except some of them have DVD player that all of soldiers watch some movies on the fleet and DVD is starting to get old and so is paperback for reading and same goes with CD because almost everyone is turning to digital especially myself and everyone that I know except very few people who I know prefer old fashion things and I do too but only few things that’s old fashion such as VHS and cassette which I am almost sure that a lot of people doesn’t even know what they are especially the young people. Soldiers love to read some books, while due to restrictions they are not allowed to have devices to…

Gallaudet University marked 150 years.

The first and well-known university for deaf and hard of hearing Gallaudet University marks 150 years and is celebrating for it ever since the day the 16th president for United States of America signed a bill titled 13th amendment to the constitution on April 8th, 1864 that the senate approved of to end the slavery and had the moment to sign a bill of interest to senate committee on the district of Columbia and educators in the nation’s capital. Which that authorized Columbia institution for the deaf and dumb and the blind to award degrees in the liberal arts and sciences. This is one of the reason I am very proud America that resided in United States of America for more than twenty-seven (27) years and that the bill is very important to deaf and hard of hearing especially giving them the same rights that hearing (people who can hear) have in United States of America. That same bill that happens to be America with Disabilities Act (ADA) that’s being used today that every deaf and hard of hearing use as their right. If it weren’t for Lincoln Abraham then it’s very possible that we may not have the bill that deaf and hard of hearing rely on for our rights today which is ADA, that is our rights to…

Congressman hires deaf interns!

There is deaf news where they give the news all around in the world for only deaf and hard of hearing to watch the video about the news they have up to date or read the update news they have. Today one of the news on deaf news has the title that stated “Congressman hires deaf interns” and that caught my attention because my belief is that all deaf or hard of hearing are equal to hearing people but sadly, often they are not recognized as much as the hearing people are in America especially when it come to important things such as career, politics and among others. That is what makes me ill is that often a lot of people who think that deaf or hard of hearing people cannot do what the hearing people can do, that has been a heated debate going on for several decades. Same way as men vs women for driving, comparing their skills and such. Same concept as deaf/hard of hearing vs hearing which is quite unfair as it should be equally because only difference between deaf and hard of hearing vs hearing is that deaf and hard of hearing cannot hear, that is it as it does not change how their brain works because they do have same brain as the hearing…

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