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Tag: Absentee Ballot

10-9-2020 Snippets

Hello everyone, how are all of you doing?! I hope that all of you are doing good. I think it is time for another snippets article here on JoshiesWorld. I know it is overdue as the last snippets article was published about a month ago. I have been so busy trying to publish as many reviews as I can because I need to have the reviews going to give the companies the examples of my reviews before they ship their products to me for an honest review on their product. If their products are bad, I will say they are bad and point out what is bad about their products. That goes the same way if their products are good. Nonetheless, I am glad to say that I have a decent number of reviews published to get the ball rolling. Of course, I cannot publish many reviews because I cannot afford every new product that they have coming out. I am hoping that as many as reviews for anything that I have my hands on can get it going so that I can get more things to review for all of you to read so you can make a better decision whether to buy a particular product or not and as well others so you can know if it would…

5-10-2020 Snippets

Hello all! I know I haven’t written a snippets article in a great while, I apologize for that and the COVID-19 pretty much have taken over the news so that was more important to make sure that everyone keeps focusing on getting the information on coronavirus aka COVID-19. I hope that every one of you is doing well, I am doing well myself and luckily we have not been exposed to COVID-19 yet (knocks on the wood). My heart and my thought go out to everyone who is affected by this dangerous pandemic which I know that many of us are struggling especially that we have suddenly changed our routine as it is going to be the new norm especially social distancing while wearing the mask at least until we get a vaccine for COVID-19 which they have said that it would be a long time until we would get it but that is if anyone can create one! 5-10-2020 Snippets Here we are, there are over 15 topics that I have written and I hope that at least one of the topics that could interest you to read! Click the “Show Topics List” below to open the list of topics and you can select which topic you’d like to read specifically or you can read all of the topics…

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