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Adding subscription of JoshiesWorld!

Subscription function for JoshiesWorld is now exist, which it can be found on right side of the bar, on the left sub-side under “Joshies Social”. You can subscribe to JoshiesWorld by adding your primary e-mail address which it shall never be sold, or used as spams. Only time you will receive e-mails from JoshiesWorld, and myself is once I updated JoshiesWorld with new post of the blog or new of the news especially what is going on with me today! I really hope that you are willing to subscribe to JoshiesWorld. Because, as I will be gladly to keep you update as much as I can. If you cannot find the subscription function which other way to call it subscribe alone then please feel free to leave a question under this post asking where it is and I will try my best to direct you to it. And just to let you know, there is one more subscription function which is located in “About” tab at top of website. Have a day or night. Please be careful out there in cruel world, as it really is. Regards, – Joshie.

Over 100 and counting videos!

I have recorded over 100 videos and still counting strong for everyone to watch from JoshiesWorld (myself). I have registered with Cooliris and experience with their feature to make videos view easier for everyone to watch from the websites and blogs especially on here. Here’s the easier previews of the videos and to play to watch. Enjoy! Remember, be sure to subscribe and many of more videos are on the way!

Should I give one?

I have been thinking about to letting someone else to also post things about me to make it more real rather than me having to type about myself and others. That’s pretty the point of JoshiesWorld, right? Right. I have been seeking for another author that volunteer that personally know who I am and who get around me often to give the permission to a right for the person to log in and write the update and news about what’s going on with me. Hopefully, this will make it more real. And maybe that would make things easier too. Although this is pretty difficult to find one that I trust to give the access to, especially in back of JoshiesWorld to write a blog about what’s going on with me. So for now, we will see.

My first niece.

Guess who?! The picture I have uploaded onto the right of this post is my first niece. She’s the most adorable and the most beautiful little child I have ever seen, that I call my first niece. Her name is Serinity Jade. She’s the daughter of my lovely youngest sister, Racheal. She was born in Janurary 2009. So yes, she is one year old and few months as today. I remember the day that my sister Racheal told me that I am an uncle, I couldn’t believe it at the first because it was quite shocking news to me since it was first of everything that I have became. Now, it’s true. I am an uncle of the most amazing and beautiful little girl named Serinity. So yes, I was very happy. I remember back in the day when I found out that my sister was pregnant, first thought came to my mind was I am uncle. Now, I am proud to be one of Serinity. I will cherish everyday from the day I heard that I am an uncle. Even some of people may think I act differently when I said I am uncle, but believe me it’s more than that. No, I haven’t seen her literally yet but I will soon, hopefully. They are currently in Ohio, and…

App suggest for BlackBerry here?

Sure, there’s tons of varies applications to purchase or grab for free to install onto the BlackBerry. Which at this point is what confuses me a little bit is because I don’t know which one should I get. I would like to get what is necessary for my BlackBerry. If you have any ideas what I should for my BlackBerry Tour then please leave a comment below and let me know the name of Application and what the application do. And why do you recommend me it. This post of the blog is a question for you all guys. I appreciate for all the assistance and the advices you can give by leaving a comment below this post of the blog!

Spammer, don't bother.

Hello everyone. I want to let you all know that who any of you likes to spam especially spamming the comments through JoshiesWorld always are under approval. So don’t waste the time of yours to comment a spam especially trying to post links on any posts of the blog on JoshiesWorld, because once I review your comment and see that you post links and to spam, your comment will be permanently deleted, immediately. So I feel that I should at least to give you the head start cease your wasting time to comment spams! Go somewhere else and spam, not here. But please always remember, if you are only to comment something that are related to the post and that do not spam are always welcome to do so. But spammers, is on other hand go away!

JoshiesWorld Forum.

I am currently still working on the forum, only what is slowing me down is thinking how the way I want it to be but soon it should be up and running, hopefully. If I cannot think of anything soon as I expect to be done then I will just launch plain forum enough for JoshiesWorld family, friends and fans to use to communicate with Joshie. And, if you are asking me if it would be integrated into blog and make it match with the way front page is, then no it won’t be. It’s too much to do for me just to make forum to look all neat. All it really matters is to have a forum that will be comfortable for everyone to use and readable and also writable. Real chance here, is that I am only going to release a forum and if it won’t be used often, I will shut the forum part down so it won’t use up the space while it is not necessary to just leave the forum in dust and not being used.

Polaris XP is in the shop.

Well. As I have been driving for a while, about 11 miles so far. I have drove it on the road and the mountain, yesterday I had to take it to the shop because it caused a problem. The problem is the EPS. Power steering, when I was driving even at slow and also steady speed the steering starting to get harder and harder, almost locked me out twice. And the EPS indicator shown every now and then. Hopefully, I will have it back tomorrow. If you are wondering what model and such. Mine is 2010 Polaris Sportman 550 XP EFI with of course EPS. But I still favorite Polaris, I have always love Honda but I am starting to move onto Polaris. I still own my 2002 Honda Rubicon, so right now I am driving my old one until my new Polaris gets out of the shop. Hopefully the warranty will covers the hours of their working and including the new parts if they find anything wrong with the EPS.

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