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Among many of us bloggers, journalists and even websites owner have struggling to make a decision whether if it would be that necessary to move from a common connection which is still secured but not exactly that much of a secure though as it depends on some of the servers that host some websites. Some news writer, bloggers, journalists, and website owners decided that even though their websites are secured enough so they ignore the need of improving its security of the website’s connection using a website address which connects you both to the side ends. Securing a connection is a must especially for the visitors if they want to submit anything such as information, contact, anything that goes through a website between both of you and theirs so if they decided to secure their connection so that way your information or anything won’t get out is to purchase an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or Transport Layer Security for them. Even as a weblog, many thought that it isn’t important or a necessary to have that because they just feel that they are good enough and that they have nothing on their weblog that would need any information from their viewers but this is where they are wrong as I just realized a while back. Because every websites or weblog that you visit using the internet, you are storing cookies and these cookies have some information that they can be dangerous to the outside if they are not being careful. Including your public IP address, there is not a website that does not store at least a bit information from your internet connection because in order for you to be able to reach a website or anything over the internet you must have a public IP address to connect to a website’s server and to deliver contents to you live so websites store your internet information to make sure that your connection to any of websites succeed.

I must admit that I am one of many who have thought that this isn’t a necessity because I did not see the reason for it as that I hardly need anything from the viewers because I don’t accept anyone’s personal information such as debit cards, home address, and whatnot. That if I do, it would be through a third-party service, PayPal is an example because if you were to donate anything through JoshiesWorld that you would not be using JoshiesWorld’s connection or anything because you would go through PayPal itself and safely donate then once that is completed then PayPal would direct you back to its origin website which is JoshiesWorld. Is Now Secured!

Then I realized, wait a minute. This is bullcrap because even though all my websites do not need much of anyone’s personal information except their internet cookies but these cookies and the internet information of theirs are important too which needs to be secured too. Besides, not only that I also want to make sure that all of you feel safe that any information you share with or any of other websites that belong to me and that they are secured. So, I decided to jump ahead as far as I could to improve its security because as some of you know that recent JoshiesWorld was redesigned with a new look and drastically improved its performance which means blazing fast so I feel that while I did these that I should also improve the security as well so I did. is now secured, more secure than ever and not only but also my biography website is secured as well. With that, any information that you share whether it be intentionally or not intentionally are secured, even your e-mail address, message, subject and whatnot that you have added in contact’s form on JoshiesWorld’s contact page are secured. Hopefully, that with this, that you can have more peace of mind knowing that anywhere you visit through are safe and secured. It has been safe to use already, but it has just gotten even safer, more private and more secure than ever. Hope you enjoy visiting safely and secured now!

Wait, How Do I Know It’s Secured?

The best way to know if any website whether it be a blog, vlog, social networking, and whatnot are safe is to make sure that you see a locked logo at the left side of the website’s URL bar at the top of a browser. The second way is to make sure that the website you visit has an HTTPS:// and not HTTP:// because the one that has an “S” after HTTP address means that your connection to that website is secured. Here is a screenshot that I have taken so that you can get an idea of what they look like and so that you can know what to look for. Keep this in mind that some of the websites that do not have the SSL certification or that locked logo does not necessarily mean that they aren’t safe as long as they don’t ask you to share any information or anything on there and there are many journalists are very behind of making sure that their websites are secured. As for anyone who has a website or blog, I highly encourage and recommend that you should make your websites more secured by buying for SSL which can be about $200 a year (per a website) depending on what kind of website you need to be secured. If you would like to try to move from HTTP to HTTPS for more secure connection but have no idea, please feel free to contact me using the contact page and shoot me an e-mail then I will try to help you out by either giving you some resources on how to do so or if nothing major I may lend a hand.


Thank you for visiting, hope all of you have a good afternoon or day and happy surfing safely!

Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan.

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