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Cabela’s opened in Charleston, WV

I went to a new store in Charleston, West Virginia called Cabela’s which are famously known for hunting, fishing and outdoor outfits and gears along with other things. It is a outdoor store, which I am pretty sure that by now everybody has been to Cabela’s store but however, not one in Charleston, West Virginia because it was just opened couple of weeks ago. Outdoor stores are my favorite places to shop because I am hunter, fisher and survivalist-craze and as well great place to shop for accessories and things to add onto both of my four wheelers. While during the shopping through aisles I came to a decision that I should snap few of pictures to show you the outside and some of inside of the store and let me tell you this, that it’s dreamy store! Dream store for everybody who loves outdoor things like I do, so enjoy few of the pictures that I posted below this post that are took from my Iphone 4S. Yes, they’re took from a cell phone that is because I don’t carry my digital camera every where I go unless some sort of events and such.

It was a joy for me to partake in the new additional store of Caleba’s and I recommend everyone that lives in Charleston area, in West Virginia and that loves outdoor things to go to this store because it’s going to become a second home for you and believe me, it’s huge enough that took me literally an hour to two hours of shopping through and I never usually spend that much of a time in the one store unless it’s mall. And what’s so great is that they make you feel welcome, and also when you come down there be sure to check out the fish tank and as well other animals that are hanging around and there are several, by several I mean over hundreds breeds of animals. So if you planning on to go visiting the store, be sure to know that you’re going to be struck by the view as you walk in and knowing that you’re going to be spending a lot of your time. That is if you love outdoors as much as I do.

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