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Busy and tired.

Hello everyone. Let me start off with saying this that I really hope that all of you are doing fine and that you had a good holiday so far. For myself, I am alright but could be better. I am just being surrounds so many drama that’s going on to this day and I am getting really tired of listening to all drama and rumors that isn’t actually true. And for the holiday, it has been going ok for me so far, I couldn’t eat much on the thanksgiving though because on that day I was having a pain in my stomach and my stomach wouldn’t let me eat anything much on the thanksgiving but no big deal because I am on a strict diet. Don’t you hate when you are surrounds with drama, though? Because all of drama and rumors is making me really tired and it’s always give me headache. It makes me so exhausted and I have been very busy lately, especially making sure that there’s nothing wrong with me because recently I thought I was going to need to go to emergency room at the hospital due to majorly chest pain as I thought I was going to have a heart attack, even if you only weighted 108, don’t ever think that reduces the chance to have a heart attack! I am too stubborn to go to the hospital, my family and friends tried to convince to go to hospital and I refused to do so, because I never liked going to the hospital and beside the hospital that’s nearby here is the worst and I am even surprised that they are still running cause I have witnessed which was just recently that my friend’s finger was blown off and all ARH hospial did was to clean the blood off and put the wrap thing around his finger while his fingernail, skin and bone was dinging around waiting until the next to go to the hospital in Huntington to see another doctor and have a surgery which it was successful, the surgery was in Ohio after the Huntington had us to go to Ohio for surgery so everything with that it was really tiring, cause he’s my mom’s boyfriend so we had to take him there and it was very long drive and we stayed there for about a little more than ten hours. It wasn’t fun but I am glad that he is ok, though. And the busy continues after that where I had been working on someone’s else website for them. It’s still going good so far but I haven’t finished it yet because I am waiting for the more ideas that they wants to have their websites to carry. Lately, I have been a night person. I slept through out the half of day and stayed up the rest of the half day throughout the night. Slept from 11 AM until 5-6PM. So safe to say that I am tired as dog. Also I have been out hunting me some deers and I had to wake up about 4 AM and leave here about 5:00 AM to go hunting until 12:00 PM during the gun hunting season which was only available for two weeks and now that’s over which takes some pressures off my shoulders but I still got a lot of things to do meanwhile I am still on diet, as I only weight 108 right now, I was 159 not too long ago. So I am a little bit proud of that and is still plan on losing few more until it gets to my desirable amount of weights I’d like to be at. Soon I will have to start go Christmas shopping to get few presents, so it’s going to be real fun which not really because I always don’t know what everyone wants which that’s the most difficult part about Christmas shopping is if you don’t know what you should get for the person that would like to have without giving the hint or wanting them to know what you’re planning on to get or already got them for Christmas present. Also writing this post is making me even more exhausted but I decided to do it anymore because nothing can get in my way to write the post for for all of my family, friends and fans to read the new post. I hate to stop writing here now but I better get going because my fingers are getting too heavy and as well my eyes so I better get going but I will of course, continue write more new posts for and be sure to subscribe to via feed or you can enter your e-mail address so that way you can be notified via e-mail when I write a new post, news or update on and I thank you very much for staying with while I am being busy and gone. This is only the time I could be writing which is barely any time for me to spare to write. You have a good holiday and I hope you all stay safe once the snows begins and icy in your area as it’s already started here. And please, of course take care of you and as well be sure to stay together with your family, friends during the holiday because the holiday is the most important thing while being with the family and friends.

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