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Category: Technology and Science

Halo: Reach.

As I have been reading through few of articles and reviews on the new upcoming game from itself Halo gaming company, the bungie studios. I’ve stumble upon that the fact it sound that it’s going to be a last core game of Halo, itself “Halo”. Unless, of course that the article that the person has wrote on Yahoo had me misunderstood but I still stand by my statement as what it sound like to me. I am very excited to see and to experience the last Halo game as if they are telling the truth about that it’s slated to be the last core of Halo. As some of people know that I was or is still fan of Halo ever since it was first made and released back in 90s as I still own the first Halo after it was released for original or some gamers call it regular first Xbox. It was actually fun, and they have been indeed to improve its core to the Halo, especially in Halo 3 is very noticeable for improvement. Now that being said on my part, I recommend you to go to the article that they’ve wrote over at Yahoo about Halo: Reach. Please click the link here to read the information about Halo Reach over on the Yahoo Article/News.

FaceBook Vs MySpace

As I have been trying to compare which one is better for social networking websites for everyone to use to stay in touch with whoever they know or to just kill the time. It’s hard to compare, really. So therefore, I cannot compare between these two top popular social networking websites in the internet world. But however, as supposedly. MySpace is ranked higher than FaceBook, though. But between FaceBook and MySpace that I noticed, is no much of different, as if they were copying each others ideas which is hard to figure who added new specific feature first. I do know, chat system was added to MySpace first, if I am not mistaken and also MySpace has HTML and CSS coding for profile to style the look of the users profile. But FaceBook don’t offer that, although however there is application on FaceBook that do offer it to change the looks of users profile. But as it is not by default though, like MySpace. However, in my opinion that FaceBook has better supports and they seems to know what they are doing rather better than over at MySpace. Keeping it simple, that what FaceBook do but with MySpace, it is just overloads and cluttered in my opinion, as it may get hard for new users to experience and know what…

Favorite online stores?

Hello everyone, firstly. I very much hope that you had a great day for yourself. As I was thinking earlier about shopping online. Got me a bit of curious, so I have a question for you to answer now! What store are your favorite to shop only online? Leave a comment below, or comment on social networking websites such as FaceBook, MySpace and others regarding this and let me know. So that way I can also try to work with sponsoring the stores as I am already agreed with big companies to be affiliate with them which is one, Sears and also given discounts including (temporary through). You can look at who I/JoshiesWorld has agreed to be affiliate with by visiting Affiliate link on right side of JoshiesWorld under the “Menu” or you can just click here to take a look!

I am little of website mentor.

As I am little mentor of his. I have decided to assist in ANY way to help its popularity of my close friend Preston. This may sound unusual post of the blog for JoshiesWorld. But I suggest you to give a peek at No, I do not create his website this time. I did before, yes. But once I allow it back on my server after technical issue (to honest, money issue). He did everything himself which I am absolutely proud of him. He makes good remixes and his own songs. He created one for me, you can hear it on YouTube of mine. It will play it, mostly new videos is included the creation of song that he made specifically for me. Now, not that I am advertising or promoting. But I want to solidly tell you about my close friend which that I gave him as a gift (its domain) and of course, having it on my server. But entirely, as design and all the music is created entirely by himself. Now, I please ask you to do me at least a favor, and take a look at Prestons personal website (or known Kniew/Kniewdy to certain people) by visiting You can do so by click the link in this post, or the one in my Family/Friends…

App suggest for BlackBerry here?

Sure, there’s tons of varies applications to purchase or grab for free to install onto the BlackBerry. Which at this point is what confuses me a little bit is because I don’t know which one should I get. I would like to get what is necessary for my BlackBerry. If you have any ideas what I should for my BlackBerry Tour then please leave a comment below and let me know the name of Application and what the application do. And why do you recommend me it. This post of the blog is a question for you all guys. I appreciate for all the assistance and the advices you can give by leaving a comment below this post of the blog!

Playing Pac-man on BlackBerry.

Here’s the video of me playing Pac Man that I bought the game for my BlackBerry Tour. It bought me a lot of memory how classic this game was several years ago especially playing it at the arcade room in some specific store and such. I remember I couldn’t resist and had to get a lot of coins just to play Pac-Man. I was playing almost most of the day, now I have it on my BlackBerry so any where I go, I now can have something to play while on the go! If you like Pac-Man and own a BlackBerry, I suggest you to buy it. It’s actually same thing as from arcade except you’re playing it on BlackBerry. You can find it and buy it from BlackBerry App World which the link can be found in the video description at the YouTube on my channel, to get to it by just click the video and it will take you to the video page of my video and then click more at the description and then you can find the link to direct yourself to the page to e-mail it to your BlackBerry and then you can purchase it and download onto your BlackBerry. I don’t know if it would work without using data on your BlackBerry, since I…

BeBuzz Led Customizer.

Hello everyone, this time again that I have decided to come back and record more videos and become more videos uploader for my YouTube Channel which can be found at Also, please be sure to subscribe to my channel on YouTube to keep a track of new video(s) I will be recording and uploading! Enjoy!

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