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Category: Multimedia

Movies, Videos, Music, Audio, Photo, Image

You Look Disgusting.

Last night while I was browsing around on Facebook seeing what some of my friends were up to and doing some lurking on other people too which you cannot deny that you do that too because sometimes it’s somewhat hard to resist yourself from being curious about what other people who are not on your friends list are saying or done something that you would gather up the information from that somebody to share with some of your friends by talking to them about what you have read someone’s wall post on Facebook. In the middle of reading some wall posts by some of the people who are on the friends list on my personal Facebook account and I came across a wall post that baffles me because that wall post contains a video which I have watched. That wall post I came across were posted by a company registered Facebook account, as I have mentioned that the wall post contains a video but it’s just not a video it is probably one of very few most powerful video I have ever seen in my life and it is very rare for me to be impressed with the message that they were sending in that video in their wall post they posted on Facebook. The video, a very powerful video…

The Dingess Tunnel in Wv.

Yesterday my mother and I decided to drive out to one of my mother’s childhood favorite place so I could experience it myself as well. I love seeing historic places or any places that has history on them and Dingess Tunnel is one of them but many people have said that the Dingess Tunnel is haunted for several years although I haven’t seen any ghosts luckily because I am terrified of them. Dingess Tunnel is in southwest of West Virginia in Mingo county and the tunnel is somewhat long so if you ever decide to touch the Dingess tunnel be sure to take your time looking around inside the tunnel especially at both ends of the tunnel because the walls is somewhat amazing to me. When we went to the Dingess tunnel I decided to record a video so that all of you can experience what I was experiencing while going inside the tunnel in a vehicle so enjoy the video and I will be including a directions or map in case if you ever want to know how to get there. Click -> Map of Dingess Tunnel Thank you for watching the video and I hope that all of you have a great night. Be safe wherever all of you are at or be safe doing whatever it is…

Gymkhana With ’65 Mustang.

I would love to write a whole a lot about some of the vehicles because they are one of my favorite things on this earth, especially when it comes to my all-time favorite vehicle Mustang made by Ford and especially my years of Mustang which is the year of 60s. I am thinking about to write an article with a bit of history on the Ford Mustang however I have no time for that today because I am somewhat in hurry, as I was browsing through some of the videos on a popular media sharing website YouTube to kill this very little free time of mine and I have come across a video where it caught my attention while at same time I felt a bit of disrespected at least especially for Ford company on their Mustang. The video that I have come across is a video of Gymkhana with Ken Block who is a rally driver which I am sure that some of you know that he has done several gymkhana videos as almost every one of them went viral and of course every Gymkhana videos starring Ken Block is always entertaining to watch… Until this one that I came across a video which is the 7th gymkhana that Ken Block has done that I am somewhat unsure of,…

Depression and it is tidbits 6!

Good evening to every one of you, all my friends! How are all of you doing today and what are you been up to lately? I hope that every one of you are doing well, hopefully better than myself lately and whatever it is that you all have been up to lately I hope that it is nothing trouble because when being in trouble it isn’t always fun although sometimes it can be a bit fun when it comes to trouble depending on some of the situations of course. As usual a few of you know that lately when I write some articles that I always would try to connect with all of you before I start writing some articles, it is because unlike the most of the bloggers I always make sure that I involve every one of you and using my time to interact with all of you due that reasons of growth or successes of JoshiesWorld wasn’t done only by myself but every one of you all. If it wasn’t for all of your help in growth and successes for JoshiesWorld then it is a possibility that I wouldn’t have any confidence in myself to be a blogger and devote as much as time I can to write some of interesting articles for all of readers. Before…

Photographers and photographs.

We know that everybody loves to take a lot of pictures for some reasons, whether it be for their memories, family photographs, friends photographs, vacation/trip photographs, landscape photographs and there are several different kinds of photographs that everybody like taking. I mean who doesn’t like taking some pictures? Well I know there are some of the people who don’t like taking some pictures or especially being in some of the pictures that is taken by somebody else which I am one of them who doesn’t like to be taken in some pictures although I don’t mind them as long as I know what they are for such as memories or something but I dislike having my pictures being taken for the public display or some sort. Even that I don’t like being in some of the pictures doesn’t means that I don’t like taking some of the photographs because I am a photographer on the side and my kind of photographs would be boudoirs especially with women because I consider them as art although some of the people who doesn’t understand or know what is photography would be against the boudoirs as they think that they have no respect for themselves or that they are naughty because most of the boudoirs are nudity but what they don’t realize is that…

Pops, Go Pops! Getting the grove on!

Just a few minutes ago I was surfing on Facebook under my personal account as usual which I always do so often and came across someone’s wall post on the Facebook that has a video that I thought amazing which I am sure that some of you will think so too after watching a video below if you haven’t stumbled upon the same video I watched a few minutes ago on Facebook. In this video you will see a guy who happens to be old and probably is old enough to either be your father or a grandfather depending on how old you are, getting his grove on with a couple of the women which is quite impressive especially for his age. GO POPS! Post by Stephen Middleton.   Sorry that this article isn’t the usual article that I write because today is my break from work and I am using that time I have for the day to enjoy, but I will be writing some articles that looks like articles. 🙂 I figured I should write this article quick to show you the video that I came across where the pops (not mine, somebody else) dancing at some sort of small concert or possibly a party with a couple of good-looking women but the pops surely getting his groves…

Tidbits 1, This Is The Beginning.

  I am starting to realize that I have run out of some ideas to write about something or on lately because where I made a goal that I would either write a couple of articles every two days or one article per day which is what I have done lately, at least most of the times but in the results of that is are making myself to run out of some ideas on what to write about, on something or to write some review. That is one of the reason I added a new feature some weeks ago where everyone can submit some of the ideas for me to write about or on or to write some reviews for some of the people which can be found here but the problem with that is it’s starting to get crowded because it’s full of spam, there are about 30-40% of submissions are from some of the people who submitted the ideas for me to write about or on, or to write some reviews and the other percent is spam and the real submissions from the people with ideas are being overcrowded by spammers which makes it a bit harder for me to narrow the submissions that is submitted by the people with ideas. The submissions where people submitted some of the…

Movies for this year, on the list.

There are some of the people who doesn’t watch many movies and there are some of the people who does watch several movies and I am one of the people who watch several movies, because movies is my thing and I watch several movies every day as it is one of my addiction. It isn’t all about being entertained when watching movies but it is also learning about the movies itself, as in some of the movies you can learn about something that you don’t know yet. Beside blogging, watching several movies a day and collecting several movies as well is my passion and I am sure that I am not the only person who has a passion that watch movies daily and collects several movies on the shelves and on the computers as digital. Some of the people prefer musics over movies and that is something I will never understand but whatever floats their boat I guess, of course these people who prefer musics over movies might not understand how some of the people prefer movies over music so that is fair. Watching several movies isn’t my only thing but watching some of television shows is my thing too because they are same in some way although it is still different only due to the duration in between movies…

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