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Category: Foods and Drinks

Energy Drinks: Monster/Red Bull.

Ever since the energy drinks came into the world I have stopped drinking pops or some of you call it soda, I started drinking three to four cans of Red Bull energy drinks daily in couple or so years ago and fell in love with the taste of Red Bull energy drinks enough that I couldn’t even stand to taste any pop (some call it sodas but for me I call it pop so keep that in mind) because I prefer to drink that has something strong taste to it which is sugar and caffeine that everyone is addicted to them these days so I have drunk Red Bull energy drink daily for several months until I started having problem with my heart and I was then appointed with a heart doctor and my heart doctor has warned me that my heart is starting to get bad off and the health of my heart is going downhill rather quick and that if I don’t stop drinking Red Bull energy drinks I would possibly have heart attack any time soon but I couldn’t give up drinking Red Bull energy drinks because it was only kind of drink that I can drink and be able to enjoy it however I cut it down a bit on Red Bull energy drinks in hope that…

Beef Jerky: Mingua.

Almost every one of us cannot ever resist having some beef jerky, especially real and fresh deer jerky after hunting deers. I am long-time deer hunter especially whitetail here in Kentucky, every deer hunters know that the deer jerky is a must to have stocked in every vehicles we have and some in our lunchbox or bags wherever we go. Although there are some of the people who dislike deer jerky or beef jerky period especially the ones who are against hunting animals to survive, like PETA and other organization when they simply have no idea that sometime hunting animals to survive from going hungry and several of us people cannot just eat vegetables or fruits which make no sense in my opinion but again it’s entirely up to people whatever they prefer to eat or not to eat as every one including myself have our own preferences. Now for these people including myself who love beef jerky especially real and fresh jerky from deer and sometime when we are out of stock of deer meats we usually go for alternative which is buying beef jerky from stores which isn’t near as delicious as deer meat jerky is but they are good alternative until deer hunting season comes in. Now every stores have different beef jerky that’s made by different…

My 27th Birthday.

Yesterday on March 18th, 2014 were my 27th birthday. Yes I know I am getting old, if some of you are going to say that age is still a young age I will call you bullcrap because it’s what it feels. I would like to give my thanks to every one of you on Facebook and Twitter for wishing me a happy birthday, I have read each one of them although I haven’t answered any one of them and I probably won’t able to because they are several ones, would take me forever to answer each one of them so to make it less complicated I would like to go ahead and give my thanks to all of you for the wishes. I had a fantastic birthday yesterday, especially with my mother and one visitor that I always truly appreciate, Danny. My mother had a cake made by bakery with two layers of camouflage with deer antlers atop with some leafs hanging onto the antler, it was beautiful done by the baker however I do not like the cake either did my mother and there is a reason for that – fondue. I cannot stand the fondue but the cake itself was quite delicious, only if without fondue then it would be a great cake. We would take the fondue…

Merry Christmas from JoshiesWorld!

At here I would like to wish every one of you readers a very Merry Christmas and that I hope that every one of you are enjoying today especially opening the presents or watching your family opening some the presents and watching the smile on their faces is better than anything! Also I know that most of you are looking very forward to having some good Christmas dinner like I do, me and my family are having turkey, dressing (stuffing) and many of other for Christmas dinner. Our Christmas traditional dinner is same as thanksgiving at most and same traditional to most of the people that I know of and probably to some of you as well. If you have already received presents please leave comments below to let me know what you have for Christmas! And as well what foods are all of you having for Christmas dinner today! To finish this post, I want to also to tell each one of you please be safe on holidays especially this week up to New Year Eve and please do drink responsibility and do not drink and drive because it is dangerous and it would either ruin your Holiday and or more importantly, somebody else day especially if comes to death and your children or other children would be losing…

Belfry Middle School Christmas Dinner, ’12.

Belfry Middle School in county of Pike in the state of Kentucky were throwing a party for all of employees (staffs) that whom works at that school. They had scheduled/reserved a Christmas Dinner at Hibachi which is Japanese restaurant, a excellent one at that and also their foods were absolutely delicious and definitely gives me the reason to why I must go back! My mother works for Belfry Middle School so therefore I was invited since obviously that I am her family, as all of employees were welcomed to invite one or two of their family to come with them to the Christmas Dinner. When I arrived there, it was crowded and almost couldn’t find any available seat although we found some with the help. We sat with my mothers’ friends at work, Linda and her beautiful daughter Josie and as well Josies’ very adorable daughter Callie! We definitely had a bit of fun especially when it comes to watching the chef chopping up some foods and cooking foods for us as well. We were having some kind of rices, vegetables, steak and chicken. I have discovered that chicken and rices would be my favorite after trying them. We all, at least in my thought enjoyed watching the entertainment – chef cooking! I have decided to take pictures and record…

Good morning!

So as I have realized that I have a good spare in my time to make a post of JoshiesWorld. Here it is, good morning to you all fans, family and friends. What is a good day to start with for yourself? A cup of coffee and a toast or what? For mine of course it has to be a cold delicious 16 fl, oz of Monster Energy can and some cigarettes along with some rock and heavy metal music and sometimes pop genre music only if I feel like listening to some pop genre of music. I don’t eat breakfast though, it’s very much rarely that I have ever eat anything for breakfast because I am not into breakfast. And as well with a internet access so I can surf the internet to read stuff such about Monster Energy, news, weather, of course Monster Energy Army website, hatfield and mccoy trails website along with hatfield and mccoy forums where I can browse in and communicate since that’s my main place to go four wheeling in with my ATV and looking to see if anything changes, news, events and such what is happening on the trails of Hatfield and McCoy and of course preparing to ride down there in Spring or as soon as the weather becomes warm which I…

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