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Month: December 2013

Merry Christmas from JoshiesWorld!

At here I would like to wish every one of you readers a very Merry Christmas and that I hope that every one of you are enjoying today especially opening the presents or watching your family opening some the presents and watching the smile on their faces is better than anything! Also I know that most of you are looking very forward to having some good Christmas dinner like I do, me and my family are having turkey, dressing (stuffing) and many of other for Christmas dinner. Our Christmas traditional dinner is same as thanksgiving at most and same traditional to most of the people that I know of and probably to some of you as well. If you have already received presents please leave comments below to let me know what you have for Christmas! And as well what foods are all of you having for Christmas dinner today! To finish this post, I want to also to tell each one of you please be safe on holidays especially this week up to New Year Eve and please do drink responsibility and do not drink and drive because it is dangerous and it would either ruin your Holiday and or more importantly, somebody else day especially if comes to death and your children or other children would be losing…

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