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Category: Entertainment

Nyle DiMarco’s Profanity in American Sign Language

Two days ago, there was a video that caught my attention through the news feed on Facebook, in that video it was an American Sign Language lesson in profanity by Nyle DiMarco and for past these two days since that video caught my attention I have kept my eyes on the commentary where the Deaf community would share their opinion on the video of Nyle DiMarco’s American Sign Language lesson in profanity. While there are a lot of people who have shared their views about it and I have not. I never left a comment, tweet or wrote a wall post on Facebook because at that time I had to think hard because I admit that at that time I was baffled – too baffled to think of what to say I guess. So, now that two days have passed or three, I decided that I should just go ahead and share my opinion on what Nyle DiMarco did in the video where he teach profanity using our native language which is American Sign Language. Please note that I am not speaking for everybody, this is only based on my opinion and my thought so if you are curious what are their thoughts you are more than welcome to ask them or to look for that video on Facebook. It…

11-4-2017 Snippets

Here I am back writing another article, I wasn’t even sure if I was going to write one or not because I am not really in the mood to write one but seeing that I have nothing else to do so I decided that I might as well make a new blog post and get done with it. I don’t even have the list of topics that I would like to talk about because it’s blank now, for a few weeks I didn’t think of anything interesting that I would like to write about, so I am pretty much swinging it as I type this article and hopefully this brain of mine comes up with a topic or so on its own for me to write about. You might as well say that I am blabbing here, because I am and let’s see how that turns out for the both of us! 11-4-2017 Snippets Like I said above, I am swinging it here as I type so that mean that 50/50 chance that the topics may be interesting and may not be interesting since I am writing this article unprepared. I am usually prepared because often I would have at least a couple of topics on a note that I update on a weekly basis that I would like to…

10-21-2017 Snippets

Hey you all! I know I haven’t blogged anything in a very long time, the last time I blogged was last month on 28th in September about the people takes a knee in sports along with my opinion on it and you can find it here. I noticed that I am not as motivated to blog this year and last year as well since in the end of last year was when I reduced my activity in blogging due to a few reasons. One of these reasons was that I am aging, and my body isn’t what it was used to be so it’s a bit hard on me especially with disabilities I have. The combination of severe disabilities and the aging isn’t a good thing, it is painful. I know, it’s life and all that but with disabilities or illness while aging is not fun. While I am not blogging, most of the times I am usually either watching tons of television shows on streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO and Starz so at least I am entertained. Mentally, I am doing good though and physically is what limits me in my activities now. Every time I tried to write an article, I would be already exhausted and so would be my body which can be…

Take A Knee During the National Anthem in Sports

Lately we have seen a lot of the players in sports, especially the National Football League (NFL) and National Basketball Association decided to take a knee or locking arms with others. They were shown on television and as well in the media, there are two divided groups who support the decision of the players to take a knee or to lock arms and who are against the decision of the players taking a knee or lock arms with others. Players, coaches and even owners would decide either to take a knee or to lock arms with others while the National Anthem plays or sings by certain singers which they traditionally do so before the game starts. From the beginning, it was Colin Kaepernick as a quarterback at San Francisco 49ers last year where he decided to sit on the bench during the National Anthem in protest, as the media immediately noticed that and the next game Colin Kaepernick decided to take a knee instead of sitting on the bench like he did in the beginning but this time a few of his teammates joined the protest by taking a knee with Colin Kaepernick. This was last year, that protest were criticized heavily by some of the people and since then Colin Kaepernick have taken a knee during the National Anthem…

8-15-2017 Snippets

How are you doing today? I hope that all of you are doing very well, I am doing well myself although I have been very busy lately and I am getting a bit more excited that the summer is coming to end because if you recall in a few of articles that I have written a while back that I am a big fan of winter. Because of the snow and the cold weather if its average temperature for cold such as 20-30 degrees because if under that then it would become somewhat intolerable for me. Not only that, while I do love snow but I don’t like when they get to the point that we would be stuck for a long time or on these days when we have an appointment with the doctors of ours and whatnot but if it’s snowed in on the days that we are not needed somewhere then that is what I am all for as long as we don’t lose electricity. Did you all enjoyed your summer so far? We only have about a month before the temperature will start drops drastically especially in the last weeks of September to first week of October unless the mother’s nature isn’t ready (climate change). I know I haven’t written a snippets article since a few…

7-24-2017 Snippets

I know that I haven’t written an article for about twenty-four days and I am very sorry about that. Not entirely my fault though, I had planned on to blog last week but then my new gaming computer broke saying that it couldn’t detect any bootable to boot and for some reason there was a defective in my SSD drive so I had to ship the computer to one of the company’s repair shop to have it repaired. This wasn’t the first time that my new computer, since I had got it for Christmas by my mother, messed up because few months ago in May I believe it messed up because there were some pins where the processor card lays at were bent and had to send it off for a repair but ends up getting a replacement with better processor card along with better cooling system for the computer so it’s some free upgrades which I was happy with that. After they shipped the replacement one, I had only used it for a bit over two months and then it messed up because the SSD (solid-slated drive) were defected as I was notified that there was an update for Windows 10 so I had it updated then it brought a screen says something about not finding bootable or whatever…

Snippets 6-17-2017

So here I am, blogging again for once in a long while since I haven’t written an article for a few weeks and I have been preoccupied lately to a point that I could rarely find any time to do something that I enjoy doing. As you know, we are now in summer which is usually that time a lot of people would be off to somewhere on vacations and this is one of few reasons that a lot of bloggers aren’t as active as they usually be in fall, winter, and spring seasons. Every website has statistics that the owners of the website(s) can check, almost every website receives the lowest traffic during in the summer and the most traffic that all websites get is usually in winter. Because in summer, a lot of people is out on vacations and the lowest usage of the internet is in the summer as well, because not many of people is at their home using the internet and even that a lot of us have smartphone or tablets with internet; the statistics still shows that the lowest internet usage is in the summer. It is interesting and it is good thing because it shows that some people can at least lives outside of the internet. Anyway, usually in every article I would…

5-30-2017 Quick Tidbits

How did the memorial weekend and day go for you all? I hope that you all had fun over the weekend, today and that all of us are safe considering that memorial weekends are known for an event when a lot of the people would party too much that involves alcohol. Driving while drunk is one of the most stupid thing ever in my opinion, so I hope that if all of you didn’t do that and calls a cab or have somebody as your designated driver to take you home safely. As for me, I never celebrate Memorial Day because I don’t like the idea of celebrating in memory of somebody or something that had happened in the past and it can make me sad. I look at it as negative, I mean how can you bring yourself to party and involves alcohol to celebrate for Memorial Day when it is really in memory of the bad things that had happened to the human beings whether it be family, friends, or strangers? Anyway, I know I haven’t blogged in several weeks and I apologize for that. Not to long ago I wrote an article stating that I was pretty much getting burnt out with blogging and that I am to reduce my activity in blog for the time being…

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