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Category: Announcements

Seeking for Guest Bloggers

Hey guys and women! How is it going with all of you? I hope that all of you are doing fine and that all of you are getting some warmth as we are heading into the winter. I know that some of you aren’t looking forward to the winter weather, I also know that some of you are looking for the winter weather for a few reasons including one of them is the looks of snowing which is one reason that I love about the winter weather. I will get to the point here as I don’t have a lot of time, I have thought over and over about this today while I was looking through few of my old articles that I wrote on here. It flashed back for me as I started remembering that when I launched for the first-time I was just a beginner blogger so I had to rely on search engines such as Google or Yahoo and, I joined a couple of webmasters or bloggers forum to learn the curves as a blogger. Fast-forward to a year later in the year of 2008, as in 2007 were the year that I launched, I decided to browse around for some news to read on CNN and I came across a section that they have…

Happy Thanksgiving 2016!

I would like to say that I wish every single of you a very Happy Thanksgiving of the year 2016! Some of the people including myself who celebrate thanksgiving or some of the other holidays earlier or later and as for this year we decided to celebrate Thanksgiving a day earlier which that means today instead of celebrating for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Some people just have their preference for when to celebrate for what, such as Thanksgiving, Birthday or Christmas for certain reasons whether it be a conflicts with some people’s schedules, health or medical reasons and among others. We started celebrating either a day before or the day after for some holidays but we never will celebrate a day earlier or later for Christmas as we always have to celebrate on Christmas day, we have do so for several decades in all of our family generations and I don’t recall of ever celebrating Christmas a day earlier or a day after. Although I did used to celebrate Christmas a day before every year when I was young with my father and his side of the family but as for me and my mother’s side of the family it is always on the 25th of December every year no matter if we are to celebrate early in the morning or late…

Interested in becoming a blogger? Let me know!

Unfortunately I am out of the topics or stuff to blog about here, so this is just boring and a general post for some of you. I wasn’t planning on to blog tonight but I had something on my mind tonight that I want to put it out here. This is for some of you who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. I am looking for somebody who have interest in becoming a blogger, that would like to share their opinions or whatever niches that they are comfortable with the most to share and to write about. If you are interested in becoming a blogger or thinking about becoming a blogger, please contact me either on here by going to the contact tab at the top of the website or contact me through social media which you can find my social information on the right side of the website under the social media links. The reason I am asking is because I want to help Deaf and Hard of Hearing bloggers with my knowledge and my skills as well especially with search engines optimization which they are what helps the articles to be found easier on search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo! I somewhat have an idea that I would like to share with some of you who…

Just Got Back And Blogging

Hey guys! I am sure that some of you noticed that I haven’t blogged for a few days, so to let you know that I couldn’t find any time to blog at all because we were in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg in Tennessee for a short vacation while at the same time visiting my mother’s cousin in the hospital as she was put in ICU due to severe pneumonia when she and her family were vacationing in Tennessee too a few weeks ago. Thankfully she is now stable, she has been transferred from the hospital in Sevierville, TN to her home in Columbus, Ohio and is doing well. I could not find any time to blog, whatsoever and I have wanted to blog as I have tried hard to find a time to blog but every time I thought I could find a time to do so then stuff quickly gets in the way every time I found a time to do so. But good news is that I am back home, I have recorded a bunch of videos for the Rod Run Grand in Pigeon Forge and some Gatlinburg in Tennessee but bad news is that I probably won’t be able to find any time to blog for a few days even though I am back home now but…

Help Me Out Here!

As lately I have had some hard time to come up with something to blog about, as the presidential candidates is taking over the social media to the point where there are barely any other news that I could share my opinions or my views on. Not only that I have struggled to come up with some topics or something to think about to share my opinions on something with all of you, so here I am asking for help from you guys here by giving me some ideas on what I should blog about or what you would like for me to share my opinions on. I would greatly appreciate any help that I can get from you, all you would have to do is click here to go to a page calls submit where you can make some suggestions for some topics or what you would like for me to share my thoughts on here. For several months I have written down a long list of what I would like to blog about, some topics that I would add to my tidbits article or to share my thoughts about some of these and other stuff but that list I have written is about completed which that means I practically run out of what I want to blog about… Accessibility

For a few days now I have searched for a way to make more accessible for the sighted people who is colored blind, need some contrast to be able to read the blog better and for the people who need the letters to be bigger so to make it easier for everybody to read. In few days of my research on how to figure a way to give some accessibility to sighted people, I came across that the important thing is having the ability to enlarge the letters, change the contrast which turns bright parts of the website into dark and grayscale for the people who is color blind. I want to make sure that I don’t leave anyone out, as for one that I am Hard of Hearing myself so I know how difficult it is to have access to certain things such as American Sign Language interpreters or Video Relay Service (VRS) so Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Blind have something in common. Nevertheless I added new features for that will, hopefully, helps some of you readers to have some accessibility for reading as you can zooms the writing into bigger words, turn the entire website’s colors to assist the color-blinded people and the grayscale as well. You can find the feature easily, by looking…

Happy 9th Birthday To JoshiesWorld!

Today marks the 9th anniversary since JoshiesWorld brand was born, back at that time I had intended that JoshiesWorld would be only just a small information website about me but I felt that it wasn’t fitting for the name of JoshiesWorld because hence it’s my world so I came up with an idea that I’d start a blog then from there I became a blogger/journalist. Joshie is a nickname of mine, adding the world is my world and the outcome of that is I share everything that’s going on in my eyes or my thoughts with you guys while writing some breaking news before they became the breaking news as I have written a couple or three breaking news from the year of 2007 to this day. JoshiesWorld was born on August 8th, 2007 and since then it have become my baby. Even though my name is involved but it is you all who helps it grows larger and larger daily so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that as you guys have read each articles I have written on here. For some of these who don’t know, JoshiesWorld went crashing down back in 2010 after three years blogging and I decided that it was too much so I gave it a rest for a few…

Media Have Been Revamped!

For the few days I have thought that I should do something about the media page, because I want to offer something more than just a few photos for all of you readers, fans, friends and family so I have come to a decision that I would revamp the media part on here at JoshiesWorld today which is what I have worked for the entire day. So now that here at JoshiesWorld, I no longer offer just a few boring photos but also plans on to add more pictures as when I get more pictures they will be added directly to here and not only that I now have decided to not only just snap some photos here for you to view them but also I now do some videos for you to watch! You can get to the media page by going to the media tab at the top of this website at then select whichever a category in each gallery such as videos or photos and select which category you’d like to view the pictures or to watch some videos there. There will be a lot more to come for both sides, the photos and the videos as well as I am planning on to add more to each as soon as I take some more so…

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