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Tag: Wife

Domestic Violence Isn’t Cool At All!

Hey guys! How are things going with you all over there? I am doing well over here and thank you guys for asking! I hope that all of you had a great day and I am sure that some of you are probably partying out tonight or getting ready to party out tonight as it is Saturday which is the day that people often go out clubbing or to the bars with some friends or with their spouses. I am no longer a partying type myself, well of course I still do party but I never have partied at the clubs or bars as I have only partied at some birthday parties including few years of my own, some dances every and now at middle school or high school when I was still in school which that makes me miss school a bit. Some of the people are saying that we are entering the era where it becomes very hard to find a girlfriend or boyfriend, I believe that’s true as I realized lately that not many of the people being able to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend including myself but relationship searching services such as Tinder or Match begs differ about entering the era where people can barely find anyone to be with. Of course we probably will…

Thoughts Overloaded.

I am sitting here with a keyboard in front of me on the computers desks thinking whether if I should or shouldn’t type this in a blog post to express a few of things that has gone on lately, well a bit longer than lately I think and it has aggravated me more than anything. It is something that has given me a hard time trying to get some sleep or trying to rest myself and I don’t usually write, type or talk it out about my thoughts or my emotions especially in public as some would usually like to keep them privately rather than letting anyone to know but sometimes what they don’t realize is that keeping things to themselves are harder than to talk it out. Keeping something that is bothering them especially if it has bothered them for a long while instead of going to someone to talk them out are never a good thing because all it is doing nothing but adding a lot of stresses, longer you keep something to yourself the more stresses you would get and the more stresses you allow it to get can be harmful especially to yourself so sometimes it can be better to talk your feelings out to someone. Of course I know that you’re thinking that its way…

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