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Tag: Snowzilla

11-28-2016 Tidbits

Hey guys! How are all of you doing tonight? I hope that all of you are doing well, I see that we are already starting to feel the winter as it is reminding us that the winter is in the corner and that we better be prepared for it when they come. Why I said that we better be prepared for the winter? Because the mother nature made sure that they are unpredictable in the eyes of ours last year, when in around at that time in November last year that we are on this year a lot of us figured that it was just going to be what we predicted; Not a lot of snows, just a bit cold and a bit warm on some days but a very few days of blistering cold but we were wronged. The mother nature threw us something that we never thought to predict, a blizzard namely The Snowzilla last year where in eastern part of the United States had several feet of snows and the temperature were almost too unbearable. If you don’t know what I am talking about, referring to snowzilla then I suggest you to look up on a search engine like Google or Bing and look up the snowzilla in New York especially over in Brooklyn. You will see…

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