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Tag: Simpler

BOOM! JoshiesWorld New Outlook!

As you see, JoshiesWorld has a new and simpler look than the old look! I have decided that it was time for the new look and decided to work on for the new look. My goal of this is to make it more simple and easier for everyone to navigate around the blog so I hope that all of you like the new look! As usual, when a site gets a makeover or when someone creates a new website they will have to iron out any errors or bugs that pop up so if you see anything wrong on here then please be patient as they will be fixed. I have stuck with the old JoshiesWorld ever since it was created, which was in 2007 and that means the JoshiesWorld has the same look for over a decade. I have made attempt to work on a new look for JoshiesWorld several times but I keep breaking the promise to do so because I had so many of other things to do and since that we have Christmas break so that is when everyone frees up their schedule as mine did which that was when I decided to act upon it to make the new look for JoshiesWorld instead of procrastinating it for so long! I apologize for that! Thank you for…

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