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Tag: Right To Bear Arms

09-04-2023 Snippets

I believe it is time for a snippets article, as I know it is somewhat overdue since the last time I wrote a snippets article was on 4-14-2023, over two months! So, I apologize about that, and I have been swamped lately with many things on my plate. I have been dealing with a lot of things; as I said, I have a ton of things that I had to deal with, and I still have so many things that I have to deal with, so I am being overwhelmed lately, not just on the businesses side, but also personally and as well mentally. Nonetheless, a snippets article is overdue, so it is time for a new one, and I have a few things (a few topics) that I would like to discuss or share with some of you! Here is the list of the topics that you will be reading for this snippets article; click/press that to open/expand the topics list, and you can click it again to close the topics list as well to get the list of the topics out of the way or that you would prefer to read the entire article instead of selecting only topics that might interest you. To read a specific topic all you have to do is click/press on the topic…

8-8-2019 Snippets

Time for other snippets where I will share some opinions, some sort of reviews, sharing some little things about some things and as well talking about some stuff but in short as possible instead of a full-blown article on one subject. In case if you are new and don’t know what snippets article are all about, it is more than one topic in an article instead of only one article on one subject so that it can give you the readers something more to read in one place rather than going one by one for each topic that may interest you. I know I haven’t written anything in a pretty long time ever since the last article came out about exposing a Deaf person’s social security which you can find it here, I have been so busy and when I finally had the time to write some I ends up having some problem with my health (nothing major), then recovered and then got so busy and repeats so I almost couldn’t find any time to write. Even right now I am having a little hard time dealing with my right rib for some reason but I thought that I better just start writing before I keep you all too long waiting for something new from me and I figured that…

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