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Tag: RID

American Sign Language Interpreters With A Conflict Of Interests

There are a few of trending in the Deaf community, one of them is about a problem that is going on around in the Deaf community about American Sign Language interpreters with conflict of interests, and by American Sign Language interpreters conflict of interests, I mean the American Sign Language interpreters who are already biased due to conflict of interests but went ahead to accept the interpreting job. Biased American Sign Language interpreters are often in violation of the code of ethics, especially through the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID). If you visit the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) code of ethics page, before getting to the full versions of their code of ethics, you would see one of their tenets number three (3) it says that interpreters conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to the specific interpreter situation and also under seven (7) it says interpreters engage in professional development. But further, it would be 3.7, which it says disclose to parties involved any actual or perceived conflicts of interest. Suppose that American Sign Language interpreter happens to have a conflict of interests. In that case, these are examples of codes of ethics that they violate. Still, it is not the only code of ethics required to follow as there are others, whether it be…

8-15-2018 Snippets

No long time see here, I know I haven’t written a blog post in a very long time, specifically about 2 and half months to three months as the last time I have made a blog post were in April. I know I made a blog post last week but that doesn’t really count it because that was only a very short blog post to inform you all that I was sorry for not being able to write anything for that long due to health reasons and I am still dealing with that but I felt that where I have not written anything for that long that I should do something about it so I am doing something about it here. As for my health issues, I still won’t share any details because it is private matters but I can say that it is something to stop me from writing and still is but I have an idea that I should just write a few sentences and whatnot then take a break so not to put too much pressure on myself. Nonetheless, there are a few or maybe a lot of things that I would like to share with all of you and I hope that all of you will enjoy the new snippets article that I am writing today…

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