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Tag: Republican

Freedom Of Speech.

Every Americans have the rights to freedom of speech, that has been a problem with social media lately because everyone is trying to enforce other people to vote their preferred presidential candidates or shoot down their opinions on each presidential candidates just because they thinks that their opinions is the only matters when they aren’t even come close to true as everyone’s opinion do matters. I can understand that when it comes to anyone talking about presidential candidates for the President Of The United States next year when Barrack Obama packs his things and leaves the office for good due to law that no president of the united states can run more than two terms of presidency which is four years per term. What bothers me more than anything is that I get to see a lot of adults not allowing young people such as teenagers even if they aren’t old enough to vote but they have the right to freedom of speech and do so you but the problem is that you abuse that by trying to make it known that your opinion is more matter than any other opinions which is a foolish thing to do. Understandably the election is obviously, sensitive thing to talk about as politics become almost sensitive as discussing about religious and that isn’t…

Tidbits 8/5/2016

I bet that some of you misses my tidbits article right?! I know some of you do and I sometimes do miss writing some tidbits article because they allows me to discuss or share my opinions on more than one topics and not just one topic alone which can be very boring on some days but nonetheless I have decided that I have kept all of you waiting for too long for a new tidbits article so here it is once again. First before I get into it, I want to apologize for having all of you waiting forever for a new tidbits article from me and a few reasons that I haven’t written a tidbits article for a very while. I have been very busy with many things such as the fact that it is summer so many of you know that summer usually is when everybody goes out doing some activities and enjoy their summer around with their family or friends somewhere on vacations as most usually do but for me I have been almost too busy to do anything that I would like or usually do. From the beginning of the summer I started seeing an ex of mine whom I loved for several years since we both were pre-teenagers which that means younger than the age…

Gov’t Shutdown/Dem & Rep.

The reason of Government shutdown was due to disagreement between democrat and republican on Affordable Care Act (ACA) code name as every one of us know, ObamaCare. What had sparked the ignition to shut down was mostly coming from republican for disagreeing with democrat on the new law for affordable care act especially when it comes to offering health insurance to very small percentage of people who couldn’t afford the health insurance for themselves or the family with the funding from the government and republican was against that Barrack Obama who happens to be democrat and the democrat party for wanting to use some of the government funding such as federal treasury to give these small percentage of people who does not have health insurance to help them to become better for themselves. My opinion is a bit harsh for the thoughts of republican that was willing not to help us American to improve the health by having the insurance that pays for the hospital visits and medicine if necessary so that they could be better for themselves by spending the government money in the health insurance for the people. It was very gratitude of democrat for the thoughts of helping these small percentage of people who is in needs of insurance to help to better themselves in their health…

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