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Tag: Relative

My first niece.

Guess who?! The picture I have uploaded onto the right of this post is my first niece. She’s the most adorable and the most beautiful little child I have ever seen, that I call my first niece. Her name is Serinity Jade. She’s the daughter of my lovely youngest sister, Racheal. She was born in Janurary 2009. So yes, she is one year old and few months as today. I remember the day that my sister Racheal told me that I am an uncle, I couldn’t believe it at the first because it was quite shocking news to me since it was first of everything that I have became. Now, it’s true. I am an uncle of the most amazing and beautiful little girl named Serinity. So yes, I was very happy. I remember back in the day when I found out that my sister was pregnant, first thought came to my mind was I am uncle. Now, I am proud to be one of Serinity. I will cherish everyday from the day I heard that I am an uncle. Even some of people may think I act differently when I said I am uncle, but believe me it’s more than that. No, I haven’t seen her literally yet but I will soon, hopefully. They are currently in Ohio, and…

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