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Tag: Rebirth

Happy 9th Birthday To JoshiesWorld!

Today marks the 9th anniversary since JoshiesWorld brand was born, back at that time I had intended that JoshiesWorld would be only just a small information website about me but I felt that it wasn’t fitting for the name of JoshiesWorld because hence it’s my world so I came up with an idea that I’d start a blog then from there I became a blogger/journalist. Joshie is a nickname of mine, adding the world is my world and the outcome of that is I share everything that’s going on in my eyes or my thoughts with you guys while writing some breaking news before they became the breaking news as I have written a couple or three breaking news from the year of 2007 to this day. JoshiesWorld was born on August 8th, 2007 and since then it have become my baby. Even though my name is involved but it is you all who helps it grows larger and larger daily so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that as you guys have read each articles I have written on here. For some of these who don’t know, JoshiesWorld went crashing down back in 2010 after three years blogging and I decided that it was too much so I gave it a rest for a few…

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