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Tag: Racism

Tidbits 8, 7/1/2015.

Hey guys how are every one of you doing? I hope that every one of you are doing well and for myself I am doing well so thank you all for asking whether you were going to ask me or not but I ought to go ahead to say that I am doing well in case if some of you do wonder. For the first time I have decided to write an tidbits article in a very long time, this makes it the 8th of tidbits article I am writing and if you don’t know what tidbits are then I would suggest that you type “tidbits” in the search box at the top of the website where it will take you to a few of tidbits articles as there are a couple of them has the description of what is tidbits. In case if some of you are lazy to do so then I will just might as well to explain the basic of what is tidbits here so tidbits is where I write a few different of subjects in one article instead of the alone of subject in an article and in tidbits has different subjects or topics that are being discussed by me with either my opinions or facts depending the subjects or topics I am writing. I…

People and us as the people.

I could not find anything or have not heard anything that are interesting to write about so I started thinking what should I write about or on if I have nothing that inspire me to write about something that I have found or heard from and then some minutes later I have started thinking about the people as in the people and us as the people. So for today I am going to write about the people in general with different topics that are about the people itself, today’s subject is the people but with different topics underneath that so hopefully the article for today will be interesting for you enough as I am thinking that it might be and this is somewhat education or history but again it is not although they will be questioned. If some one comes to you then ask you a question and that would be what are your thoughts on the people? What would be your quick response? There are many things that comes with “the people” in general, which I will be discussing about that here in a minute but please keep that in mind that in this article will be my opinion only but if you would like to share your opinion about few of topics that I puts on the people…

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