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Tag: President

Tidbits 8/5/2016

I bet that some of you misses my tidbits article right?! I know some of you do and I sometimes do miss writing some tidbits article because they allows me to discuss or share my opinions on more than one topics and not just one topic alone which can be very boring on some days but nonetheless I have decided that I have kept all of you waiting for too long for a new tidbits article so here it is once again. First before I get into it, I want to apologize for having all of you waiting forever for a new tidbits article from me and a few reasons that I haven’t written a tidbits article for a very while. I have been very busy with many things such as the fact that it is summer so many of you know that summer usually is when everybody goes out doing some activities and enjoy their summer around with their family or friends somewhere on vacations as most usually do but for me I have been almost too busy to do anything that I would like or usually do. From the beginning of the summer I started seeing an ex of mine whom I loved for several years since we both were pre-teenagers which that means younger than the age…

Complaints Of The Day (7/19/’16)

Who doesn’t complain these days? I think it is safe to say that every one of us at least complain about one thing each day, because if you don’t have anything to complain about each day then either that you aren’t alive or that you are a king or queen who have everybody does everything perfect for you every day and every night. We always have something to complain everyday, whether it be because you are coming home from work being very exhausted, you are being in pain, you are not getting what you need, you have discovered that your favorite television shows isn’t going to be renewed for the next season or something so you always have to complain about something everyday. The less complaints you have then it means that you have a great life who have everything, owns several things, are a millionaire or billionaire and visa versa although even these millionaire(s) or billionaire(s) do have something to complain daily too including the president, prime minister, king and queen of a nation. So I am going to list my complaints of the day here, I have thought of blogging my daily complaints but that would be too much because my schedules is crazy busy but I might do my “complaints of the day” here and there especially…

Hillary Clinton in Williamson, Wv.

This is just a mere opinion of mine about Hillary Clinton’s visitation to the small town in the state of West Virginia here in the United States of America calls Williamson or Williamson Town as the residences of Williamson in West Virginia calls it. It has a very small numbers of population in Williamson, Wv although these aren’t accurate because in the statistic it only counts the house owners without counting the people who lives under the owner’s roof such as their family like children, husband, wife and or some homeowners allows their friends to live with them in that area. I know this is a bit late of news because obviously by now I am sure that many people have heard about what happened in Williamson, Wv when one of the democrat presidential candidates Hillary Clinton paid a visit in Williamson, Wv at the place calls Wellness Center and apparently the major of the people in Williamson Town is against Hillary Clinton so they made a very rude welcome for her which is somewhat sends a bad outlook for the people of Williamson, Wv in my opinion. Now most of the people in Williamson, Wv protested against Hillary Clinton when she came to the Wellness Center including what some people call “King of The Coal” and that would be…

Tidbits 2/14/2016.

Here we are at it again, as in the last article I have promised all of my readers that I will be writing another tidbits sooner than expected or usual and I have a few topics that I would like to talk about with some of you if you don’t mind. I will try my best to make this one tidbits article to be shorter but a few more topics than the usual, where I tend to write long paragraph for each topics and this time I am going to try to write shorter paragraph for each topics so to not make it time-consuming although I do know that some of you like some long readings but I am somewhat in a rush myself. Why rush? It is nearing my bed time and the decision to write this tidbits article is at spur of the time but are you ready? Should I begin? Okay here we go. Tidbits 2/14/2016 Hope some of you will be happy with the topics that I am writing in here and I would like to remind all of you that if there are any topics you would like to see me to share my views/opinions on you are more than welcome to send in your suggestions for the topics for me to share my views/opinions…

White House Closed Captions.

What is one thing that Americans in the United States sees as some sort of symbol that represents the American people for hundreds of decades? The White House which is the residence for the United States president, even though it is not the permanent residence for the United States president because each president can only run for a term and each term is four years. Every elected president can only run for two terms but after that, the elected president cannot run again for the third term and must move out of the white house for the next new elected president to move in. But still the white house itself represents for the entire nation, as it is the national’s capital located in Washington, D.C., regardless who the presidents of the United States are the white house administration is responsibility for everyone who lives in the United States and the laws of United States; Civil rights, human rights and even disabilities rights. While the white house represents for all Americans, recently they have failed to do so which that means they forgot that there are diversity of Americans such as races, genders, people with disabilities including the people who is Deaf and Hard of Hearing although we don’t agree that being so is disabled because of culture. Why did I…

Tidbits 12/4/2015.

Since from the last article I wrote on here titled “Happy Thanksgiving” the other day, on day of Thanksgiving so I can safely assume that every one of you had a great thanksgiving? Mine was great although I don’t really celebrate thanksgiving as much as I would used to several years ago which I have mentioned my reasons in that blogs post. For today’s blog post I will be writing tidbits which I know I have not written tidbits article in a great while and I believe that the last time I wrote tidbits article was in September so it has been a while. I believe it is due for me to write the tidbits once again since I know some of you love reading tidbits since almost every tidbits I wrote received the most views than the other articles I wrote. In case if you are new reader here, to get a better understanding what exactly tidbits are about I suggest that you search some tidbit articles on here which you can do so by typing the word “tidbits” in the search box at the top of the website then it will bring you a list of tidbit articles for you to read and know that tidbits article can be a very long to read because tidbit involves several…

Chris Wagner, NAD President to Resign.

Some of you know about the heated protest going on around against the Deaf institution called Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (WPSD) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania due to oppression in the Deaf community by the administration of the Deaf institution Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (WPSD) and for some of you don’t know anything about the situation over at the Deaf institution Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf protests started by the Deaf community especially their students and their alumni in particulars you can read an article I written last week under the title “WPSD Oppression” or you can click here to read the article which I suggest that you do if you don’t know anything about the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf protests because they will be related to this article otherwise you won’t get the entire idea of what is going on with Chris Wagner. Chris Wagner is National Association of the Deaf (NAD) president who have few responsibilities which that includes to advocate for Deaf individuals in both human and civil rights especially to make sure that they are not being discriminated and represents the Deaf community hence National Association of the Deaf (NAD) is the association “of” not “for” the Deaf/Hard of Hearing individuals. Ever since Chris Wagner were elected for presidency position in…

Presidential Candidates For 2016.

Before I start writing my opinions about the presidential candidates for 2016 to be both president and vice president for the good ole’ United States of America I have a strong feeling that for all of us in the United States of America are going to get a bit mess. More ugly mess than we had for several decades since George W. H. Bush the 41st President for the United States of America because ever since George W. H. Bush took over the white house in Washington as a President for the United States of America there hadn’t been anything good for the people in the United States of America. Yes that our 42nd President of the United States of America Bill Clinton was actually a good President who did help our powerful country a little bit by cleaning up the messes that George W. H. Bush himself made in his presidency terms which at that time it was about the time that United States of America was starting to get back on its feet as Bill Clinton cleans up some of the messes that George W. H. Bush had left but then something that had happened that most of us never expected in maybe our lifetime was that there were another family members of Bush family declared his candidacy…

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