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Tag: Plants

US Army Helicopter Harvested Marijuana

Two days ago on Thursday my mother were swimming in her new swimming pool with a deck that my step father and his father built out back the house as the heatwaves hits here which the weather service have warned us that we would have a 5-days heatwaves. The weather service were somewhat correct as today is the third day of the 5-days heatwaves, two days ago were very hot but today is hotter as the weather said that it’s a record-setting in temperature today since the year of 2013 as the temperature for today is 97 so it’s bothersome hot but back to the subject, on Thursday two days ago when my mother were swimming and she immediately saw a militarized helicopters making a flyby over here as they did so multiply times so she texted me saying “action” with a picture of the militarized helicopter that she took with her iPhone 6S plus which I will post below. Saw that there were something hanging below the helicopter, she said that it was two men swinging with the rope below the helicopter so we assumed that it was either a rescue mission or a training mission and we both were wrong about that because it wasn’t even close to that. We were not the only ones who saw the…

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